[en] When you start a server, it first loads any files that it detects in the configuration directory. The server then checks the installed configuration files in the installation directory. After that, it logs all files that are loaded from the configuration directory in the core server log file. Some files in the configuration directory override the installed versions completely. Other files override individual properties only.
[en] When the server detects a file in the configuration directory, the server evaluates the file in the following steps:
[en] If the file exists only in the configuration directory, the server loads the file without further action.
[en] If the file exists in both the configuration directory and the installation directory, the server checks the file type.
[en] If the file is a style sheet or XML file, the server ignores the installed version of the file and loads the version in the configuration directory instead.
[en] For example, if you want to change the logging level for the core server, you would create a copy of the
in your configuration directory. The server completely ignores the version of this file in the installation directory. -
[en] If the file is a properties file, the server compares the properties in the two sets of files for any conflicting properties and merges them.
[en] If there’s a conflict, the properties in the configuration overlay take priority.
[en] For example, suppose you’ve created an overlay of the English language configuration file in your configuration directory. In your overlay, you’ve added the following properties to override the installed defaults for the writing guide "Standard US":
[en] Configured Properties:
Standard_US.termharvesting.onlyServerSide=true Standard_US.terminology.sources=att:Switches
[en] The installed version of the language configuration file has the following set of properties for the writing guide "Standard US":
[en] Installed Properties:
Standard_US.allowInitialCaseSwitchFallback=true Standard_US.termharvesting.onlyServerSide=false Standard_US.gazetteer=resources/TH.gzt,resources/entities.gzt Standard_US.grammarRules=rules/grammar.rul Standard_US.harvestingRules=rules/standard-extended.thrul Standard_US.morphology=resources/EN-US.abb Standard_US.styleRules=rules/style- Standard-Extended.rul Standard_US.terminology.sources=att:Switches;att:Routers;att:Phone
[en] When loading the properties, the server loads the properties
from the configured version of the file. The server ignores the settings for these properties in the installed version of the file. The server then loads the rest of the properties from the installed version of the file so that the following list has the complete set of loaded properties:[en] Loaded Properties:
Standard_US.allowInitialCaseSwitchFallback=true Standard_US.termharvesting.onlyServerSide=true Standard_US.gazetteer=resources/TH.gzt,resources/entities.gzt Standard_US.grammarRules=rules/grammar.rul Standard_US.harvestingRules=rules/standard-extended.thrul Standard_US.morphology=resources/EN-US.abb Standard_US.styleRules=rules/style- Standard-Extended.rul Standard_US.terminology.sources=att:Switches