[en] The AutoCheck feature is available for Acrolinx Sidebar Integrations. AutoCheck is disabled by default, but when you enable it, writers see an extra "AutoCheck" option in the Sidebar. When a writer turns on AutoCheck, Acrolinx checks the active document at regular intervals. AutoCheck runs when a writer has a document open and hasn't interacted with the Sidebar for a certain period of time. It keeps running until the writer interacts with the Sidebar. If you're a Standard Stack user, you can enable AutoCheck and configure how often AutoCheck runs in the core server properties.
[en] If you're on an Acrolinx Cloud instance and are interested in these configurations, contact us and we'll set them for you!
[en] If you're a Standard Stack user, you can edit the coreserver.properties from the configuration directory. Depending on your installation, your path might look like this:
[en] <config directory>/server/bin/coreserver.properties
[en] You configure AutoCheck with the following parameters:
[en] Property |
[en] |
[en] Default |
[en] false |
[en] Description |
[en] Enable or disable AutoCheck. |
[en] Property |
[en] |
[en] Default |
[en] 15 seconds |
[en] Description |
[en] The minimum amount of time to wait between two automatic checks [en] For example, you could configure this property so automatic checks happen every 30 seconds at a minimum. |
[en] Property |
[en] |
[en] Default |
15 |
[en] Description |
[en] Multiplier for time to wait after text extraction [en] This multiplier is designed to extend the AutoCheck time interval for large documents. [en] For large documents, it can take a while for Acrolinx to extract the text. Suppose that it takes 20 seconds. By the time the text is extracted, the next AutoCheck would be due to run again. This would cause Acrolinx to extract the text again in an infinite loop. [en] The multiplier is designed to prevent this situation. [en] Suppose that it takes 16 seconds to extract the text from your document and you keep the default multiplier of 15. Acrolinx will wait for 4 minutes before it runs the next AutoCheck. [en] Here's how we get to 4 minutes: [en] 16 seconds (extraction time) * 15 (multiplier) = 240 seconds (240 / 60 = 4 minutes) [en] Note that the property |
[en] Property |
[en] |
[en] Default |
[en] 10 seconds |
[en] Description |
[en] The time to wait after any interaction with the Sidebar is detected [en] For example, you might scroll down the list of cards or change tabs. In this case, Acrolinx would wait for 10 more seconds of Sidebar inactivity before starting an automatic check. |
[en] To configure time intervals for the "AutoCheck" feature, follow these steps:
[en] Open your overlay of the core server properties file.
[en] Add the following properties:
client.autoCheckEnabled=true client.autoCheckMinIntervalInS=<SECONDS> client.checkDelayExtractionFactor=<NUMBER> client.checkDelayByUserInteractionInS=<SECONDS>
[en] For example, you could raise all the default values like this:
client.autoCheckEnabled=true client.autoCheckMinIntervalInS=20 client.checkDelayExtractionFactor=20 client.checkDelayByUserInteractionInS=15
[en] Save your changes and restart the Acrolinx Platform.
[en] Ensure that users reopen their Acrolinx Integrations to receive the new setting. The new time settings will apply for any writer who turns on AutoCheck in the Sidebar.