[en] The Acrolinx Term Browser is a companion to the Acrolinx Terminology Manager. It serves as a reference tool for anyone in your organization who needs quick access to information in the terminology database.
[en] If you’ve purchased the Acrolinx Term Browser, you can use following settings:
[en] In the Terminology Manager, you can save search filters that anyone can open in the Acrolinx Term Browser.
[en] To save a filter for Acrolinx Term Browser users, follow these steps:
[en] Before you get started, make sure you have the privilege "Share filters with the Term Browser".
[en] Sign in into the Dashboard.
[en] Go to Terminology > Search Filter.
[en] Create and save one or more filters.
[en] Open the Acrolinx Term Browser to check that your filter is visible in the Saved Filters menu.
[en] Share it with people who use the Term Browser
[en] Important: In the Acrolinx Term Browser, you can only conduct keyword searches for terms in the active filter. If you configure a default filter, you can only conduct keyword searches for terms within the default filter. The default filter is activated when users open the Acrolinx Term Browser. To search all terms in the database, a user must reset the filter to "show all terms".
[en] To link directly to a saved filte, do the following:
[en] In a web browser, enter the Acrolinx Term Browser URL with the following parameters:
[en] Example
[en] The term edit page enables you to check inflections for a selected word within a term. Words that can be inflected are called base form terms. You'll see these terms in square brackets when you view them in the search results table.
[en] Example: term [management]
[en] The option to display base form terms will only be available if you have permission to change it.
[en] Administrators can define if all users who access the Term Browser see brackets around base form terms. Individual users can't customize this setting.
[en] To show brackets around base form terms when Term Browser access is unrestricted, follow these steps:
[en] Before you get started, make sure you have the privilege "Share filters with the Term Browser".
[en] Sign in to the Dashboard.
[en] Click the Settings button in the upper right-hand corner.
[en] On the Settings page under Term Browser Settings, select the Show brackets around base form terms option.
[en] Administrators can define if all users who access the Term Browser see brackets around base form terms, however, this is only a default setting. Individual users can also decide if they want to see brackets around base forms. If an individual user adjusts this setting, it will override the administrative default.
[en] To show brackets around base form terms when Term Browser access is restricted, follow these steps:
[en] Before you get started, make sure you have the privilege "Share filters with the Term Browser".
[en] Sign in to the Dashboard.
[en] Click the Settings button in the upper right-hand corner.
[en] On the Settings page
[en] For administrators: under Global Settings, select the Show brackets around base form terms option.
[en] For users: under Settings, select the Show brackets around base form terms option.
[en] The changes take effect immediately.
[en] You can add parameters to the Acrolinx Term Browser URL to change the appearance of the Acrolinx Term Browser or access-specific functions.
[en] The following parameters apply to both the standard view and the translation view.
[en] Parameter |
[en] Use to |
[en] |
[en] Show the results filter of the default filter as soon as you open the Acrolinx Term Browser. Example https://<hostname>/termbrowser/standardview.html#list=yes [en] By default, the Acrolinx Term Browser doesn’t display the results of the default filter when you first open the Acrolinx Term Browser. Warnung[en] Restriction: In the translation view, the parameter |
[en] |
[en] Display the term help for a specific term, using the term name. Example https://<hostname>/termbrowser/standardview.html#search=Term Browser [en] You can also enter a search text, with a wildcard. [en] Example http://<hostname>/termbrowser/standardview.html#search=term% [en] This parameter can be useful to share a link to a search result with another user. |
[en] |
[en] Change the language of the Acrolinx Term Browser interface. Example https://<hostname>/termbrowser/translationview.html?locale=de#Filter=yes [en] The Acrolinx Term Browser is currently available in English and German. [en] Use the following language codes:
[en] The following parameters apply to the standard view only.
[en] Parameter |
[en] Use to |
[en] |
[en] Display the Acrolinx Term Browser with the filter button removed from the Search and Filter Bar. [en] This parameter is useful to share the Acrolinx Term Browser with users who aren’t familiar with the options displayed in the filter menu. [en] Example https://<hostname>/termbrowser/standardview.html#hide=filterbutton&filtername=MyValidatedTerms&list=yes Tipp[en] Users can still open saved filters and edit filter criteria in a saved filter. |
[en] |
[en] Link directly to the results of a saved filter. Example &list=yes https://<hostname>/termbrowser/standardview.html#filtername=MyValidatedTerms Tipp[en] Use this parameter in combination with the parameter |
[en] If you’re using the Acrolinx Term Contributor, it's also possible to configure the following settings for the Acrolinx Term Browser:
[en] Customize the Appearance of the Acrolinx Term Browser
[en] Allow users to add comments to existing terms
[en] Allow Acrolinx Term Browser Users to Propose Terms
[en] Make the commenting history available to users
[en] If you're on an Acrolinx Private Cloud instance and are interested in these configurations, contact us and we'll set them for you!
[en] In addition to editing the term help templates, you can also edit the CSS files to control which buttons you see on the Acrolinx Term Browser page.
[en] To customize the appearance of the Acrolinx Term Browser, follow these steps:
[en] Open your overlay of the following file:
[en] If you haven’t yet created an overlay of this file, create a new version of the file at the following location:
<config directory>/server/www/gwt/css
[en] Edit the file and add one or more of the following code excerpts:
[en] Syntax
[en] Use to
#helpButton{display: none;}
[en] Hide the Help link.
#changeLanguageButton{display: none;}
[en] Hide the Change Language link.
#contributeTermButton{color: <COLOR>;}
[en] Set the color of the Contribute Term link, for example
#contributeTermButton img{display: none;}
>[en] Hide the icon that is usually displayed next to the Contribute Term link.
[en] Save your changes.
[en] Your changes take effect after you reload the Acrolinx Term Browser.
[en] You can add a link to the term help file so that users can add comments to existing terms.
[en] To add the link to the term help file, follow these steps:
[en] Open your overlay of the following file:
[en] If you haven’t yet created an overlay of this file, create a new version of the file at the following location:
<config directory>/data/common
[en] Add the following code excerpt to the appropriate section of the file:
#if ($comments) <a href="/termcontribution.html?addComment/termId/$id" target="blank"> Comment on this Term</a> #end
[en] Save your changes.
[en] You can configure the Acrolinx Term Browser to include an extra link to the autocomplete dropdown. This lets users quickly propose terms that they searched for, but didn’t find in the terminology database.
[en] There’s no visual confirmation when users click on the link. The term gets added to the terminology database automatically.
[en] To enable Acrolinx Term Browser users to propose terms, follow these steps:
[en] Open your overlay of the core server properties file.
[en] Add the following property:
[en] Add the following properties:
termSearchLog.statusName=[STATUS_NAME] termSearchLog.domainName=[DOMAIN_NAME] termSearchLog.languageName=[LANGUAGE_NAME]
[en] These properties configure the default status, domain, and language of the proposed terms. The values must match the names that are used in the category manager.
[en] Save your changes and restart the Acrolinx Platform.
[en] You can allow users to view the commenting history of a term by adding the appropriate variable to the template.
[en] To make the commenting history available for Acrolinx Term Browser users, follow these steps:
[en] Open your overlay of the following file:
[en] If you haven’t yet created an overlay of this file, create a new version of the file at the following location:
<config directory>/data/common
[en] Add the following code excerpt to the appropriate section of the file:
#foreach($comment in $comments) <span style="font-weight: bold;">$comment.userName on $comment.date</span><p/> $comment.text <p/>#end
[en] Save your changes.