[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class AccessPointEjb. An access point references a unique combination of a User, a Client, and a Host. |
[en] Name |
[en] Java Type |
[en] Comment |
[en] useCount |
[en] long |
[en] The use count. Total number of sessions that were started from this access point. |
[en] wordCount |
[en] long |
[en] The word count. Total number of words that were checked from this access point. |
[en] lastAccessTime |
[en] java.util.Date |
[en] The last access time |
[en] active |
[en] String |
[en] Boolean marker is this access point is still active |
[en] host |
[en] HostEjb |
[en] The host (see HostEjb) |
[en] user |
[en] UserEjb |
[en] The user (see UserEJB) |
[en] client |
[en] ClientEjb |
[en] The client (see ClientEjb) |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class AnalyticsPropertyEjb |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class CheckConfigurationEjb. This stores the configuration settings of a check. |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The ClientEjb. The Acrolinx client that is used to contact to the Acrolinx Platform. For example, Word integration or Content Analyzer. |
[en] Name |
[en] Java Type |
[en] Comment |
[en] application |
[en] String |
[en] The application name, for example Word integration, Content Analyzer |
[en] clientVersion |
[en] String |
[en] The client version number. If the client doesn’t commit a version number, "unknown is stored in the database. |
[en] clientBuild |
[en] String |
[en] The client build number. If the client doesn’t commit a build number, "unknown" is stored in the database. |
[en] buildDate |
[en] String |
[en] The build date |
[en] locale |
[en] String |
[en] The locale of the client as a two letter language id (ISO 639-1). For Example "en" or "de". |
[en] Documentation |
[en] ClientUsageStatisticsEjb |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The information about the Core Server that the client session was connected to. |
[en] Name |
[en] Java Type |
[en] Comment |
[en] hostname |
[en] String |
[en] The hostname |
[en] serverVersion |
[en] String |
[en] The server version |
[en] serverBuild |
[en] String |
[en] The server build |
[en] serverBuildDate |
[en] String |
[en] The server build date |
[en] clientSessions |
[en] ClientSessionEjb |
[en] The client sessions |
[en] serverProperties |
[en] ServerPropertyEjb |
[en] The server properties |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class DocumentEjb |
[en] Name |
[en] Java Type |
[en] Comment |
[en] name |
[en] String |
[en] The filename of the Document. Only the name of the file without any path information. [en] Example: MyDocument.doc |
[en] fileFormat |
[en] String |
[en] The file format of the Document. [en] Example: text/plain |
[en] author |
[en] String |
[en] The writer of the document. "unknown" if no writer was provided. |
[en] identifier |
[en] String |
[en] The identifier |
[en] project |
[en] String |
[en] The project |
[en] path |
[en] String |
[en] The path to the document, without the filename. [en] Example: C:\Documents\MyDocument.doc |
[en] documentEvents |
[en] DocumentEventEjb |
[en] This is the association to the document events. Even if the document is checked several times, there’s only one entry for this document in the document table. [en] All check-specific information is referenced via the DocumentEvent. |
[en] metaInfos |
[en] DocumentMetaInfoEjb |
[en] The meta information (see DocumentMetaInfoEjb) |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class DocumentEventMetaInfoEjb. The meta info is any custom information that is stored for a user or document. This information is stored for each check. [en] This information is associated with a DocumentEvent. |
[en] Name |
[en] Java Type |
[en] Comment |
[en] MetainfoType |
[en] String |
[en] The type of information, that is, custom user information (UMD) or custom document information (DMD). |
[en] MetadataKey |
[en] DocumentEventMetaInfoEjb |
[en] The name of the field that is used to collect one type of custom information. |
[en] MetadataValue |
[en] DocumentEventMetaInfoEjb |
[en] The value entered for the field. |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class DocumentMetaInfoEjb |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class FlagEjb. Issues are markings that are applied to sections of text when the Acrolinx Platform checks a document. These indicate that Acrolinx found an issue or error in the marked text. |
[en] Name |
[en] Java Type |
[en] Comment |
[en] int |
[en] The sentence ID. The sentences of a document are numbered serially. [en] The sentence ID is the position of the sentence in the document. |
[en] int |
[en] The begin of the issue context. The value represents the number of the char at the begin of the context. |
[en] int |
[en] The end of the issue context. The value represents the number of the char at the end of the context. |
[en] int |
[en] For internal use, not stored to the database |
[en] String |
[en] The context surface |
[en] String |
[en] The Constant DOCUMENTEVENT_ID [en] _COLUMN_NAME |
[en] suggestions |
[en] SuggestionEjb |
[en] The suggestions |
[en] matches |
[en] MatchEjb |
[en] The matches |
[en] documentEvent |
[en] DocumentEventEjb |
[en] The document event |
[en] type |
[en] FlagTypeEjb |
[en] The type |
[en] processStatus |
[en] ProcessStatusEjb |
[en] The process status |
[en] ruleFlag |
[en] RuleFlagEjb |
[en] The rule issue |
[en] sentenceTooLongFlagEjb |
[en] SentenceTooLongFlagEjb |
[en] The sentence too long issue ejb |
[en] int |
[en] The SEO issue |
[en] termHarvestingFlag |
[en] TermHarvestingFlagEjb |
[en] The Term Discovery issue |
[en] termFlag |
[en] TermFlagEjb |
[en] The term issue |
[en] reuseFlags |
[en] ReuseFlagEjb |
[en] The reuse issues |
[en] FlagSurface |
[en] String |
[en] The text that was highlighted in the document |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class FlagTypeEjb |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Host that is using Acrolinx. The name is stored in the external Id. [en] The host name for one computer can occasionally change depending on your network environment. [en] Example: computername ( |
[en] Columns
[en] Name |
[en] Java Type |
[en] Comment |
[en] accessPoints |
[en] AccessPointEjb |
[en] The access points that this host is using |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class MatchEjb |
[en] Name |
[en] Java Type |
[en] Comment |
[en] beginIndex |
[en] int |
[en] The begin index. Indicates the position in the text. |
[en] endIndex |
[en] int |
[en] The end index. Indicates the position in the text. |
[en] int |
[en] The Constant MAX_SURFACE [en] _STRING_LENGTH |
[en] surface |
[en] String |
[en] The surface string. This string is the problematic part of text as it was found in the document. |
[en] flag |
[en] FlagEjb |
[en] The issue |
[en] Documentation |
[en] A customer may give an issue a status (For example, "valid") |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class PropertyEjb |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class ResourceConfigurationEjb |
[en] Name |
[en] Java Type |
[en] Comment |
[en] languageId |
[en] String |
[en] The language of the resource configuration as two-letter language id (ISO 639-1). For example, "en" or "de". |
[en] resourceName |
[en] String |
[en] The resource name |
[en] resourceVersion |
[en] String |
[en] The resource version |
[en] resourceBuild |
[en] String |
[en] The resource build |
[en] resourceBuildDate |
[en] String |
[en] The resource build date |
[en] termSets |
[en] java.util.Collection |
[en] The term sets |
[en] resourceProperties |
[en] ResourcePropertyEjb |
[en] The resource properties |
[en] ruleSets |
[en] RuleSetEjb |
[en] The writing guides |
[en] ruleConfigurationDate |
[en] string |
[en] The date that the rule configuration was last modified |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class ReuseFlagEjb |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class RuleEjb. Stores the name and the IDs of a Rule. |
[en] Name |
[en] Java Type |
[en] Comment |
[en] ruleId |
[en] String |
[en] The rule id |
[en] shortname |
[en] String |
[en] The shortname of the rule. When no shortname is given the rule description is used. |
[en] description |
[en] String |
[en] The description of the rule |
[en] typedRuleSets |
[en] TypedRuleSetEjb |
[en] The typed writing guides |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class RuleFlagEjb. A RuleFlag indicates a grammar or style problem in the text. [en] It references an issue and a Rule. |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class RuleSetEjb. A set of configurations in a language property file, which typically activates specific style guidelines, but can also be used to activate Term Discovery and Reuse. |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class SentenceTooLongFlagEjb |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class SeoFlagEjb. An SeoFlag indicates SEO issues in the text. |
[en] Documentation |
[en] One instance of StatisticsEjb is referenced by one DocumentEventEjb. So, the statistics in this class belong to exactly one check. |
[en] Name |
[en] Java Type |
[en] Comment |
[en] checkingScore |
[en] int |
[en] The Acrolinx Score of this check |
[en] checkingStatus |
[en] String |
[en] The checking status of this check |
[en] wordCount |
[en] long |
[en] The total number of words in this check |
[en] sentenceCount |
[en] long |
[en] The sentence count |
[en] flagCount |
[en] int |
[en] The issue count. Total number of issues found in this check. |
[en] fleschReadingEase |
[en] float |
[en] The Flesch Reading Ease |
[en] termCandidateFlagCount |
[en] int |
[en] The discovered term issue count |
[en] typeStatisticsSet |
[en] TypeStatisticsEjb |
[en] The type statistics set. This contains statistic info aggregated per issue type. |
[en] qualityScore |
[en] int |
[en] The Acrolinx Score of this check |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class SuggestionEjb. Some issues come along with a suggestion, how to correct the flagged problem. |
[en] Name |
[en] Java Type |
[en] Comment |
[en] beginIndex |
[en] Integer |
[en] The begin index. Indicates the position in the text. |
[en] endIndex |
[en] Integer |
[en] The end index. Indicates the position in the text. |
[en] int |
[en] The Constant MAX_SUGGESTION [en] _STRING_LENGTH |
[en] suggestion |
[en] String |
[en] The suggestion |
[en] flag |
[en] FlagEjb |
[en] The issue |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class TermFlagEjb. This table stores information about custom fields that have been added to the terminology database. |
[en] Name |
[en] Java Type |
[en] Comment |
[en] InternalName |
[en] String |
[en] The name of the field that is used in queries and automated processes |
[en] ExternalName |
[en] String |
[en] The human readable name of the field that is displayed in the interface and reports |
[en] FieldType |
[en] String |
[en] The type of data that the field stores |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class TermFlagEjb. This table stores the values of custom fields for each flagged term. |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class TermFlagEjb |
[en] Name |
[en] Java Type |
[en] Comment |
[en] surface |
[en] String |
[en] The surface string of this term |
[en] matchRanking |
[en] String |
[en] The match ranking. For example, exactIllegal |
[en] termSet |
[en] String |
[en] The term set |
[en] termUUID |
[en] String |
[en] The unique identifier of this term |
[en] termStatus |
[en] TermStatusEjb |
[en] The term status |
[en] FlaggedSurface |
[en] String |
[en] The text that was highlighted in the document |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class TermHarvestingFlagEjb. [en] Term Discovery is the process of detecting potential new terms automatically during a check. By default, every document that Acrolinx checks is checked for new terms. |
[en] Name |
[en] Java Type |
[en] Comment |
[en] lemma |
[en] String |
[en] The lemma |
[en] pos |
[en] String |
[en] The position in the text |
[en] confidence |
[en] double |
[en] The confidence |
[en] triggerAnnotation |
[en] String |
[en] The trigger annotation |
[en] evidenceAnnotation |
[en] String |
[en] The evidence annotation |
[en] TermHarvestingFlag- [en] EjbComparator |
[en] For internal use |
[en] rule |
[en] RuleEjb |
[en] The rule |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class TermSetEjb. A Term Set is a predefined filter that searches within each term for specific criteria and returns a set of terms for the server to load. A list of available Terms Sets is then displayed to Acrolinx users in the Acrolinx Integration checking options. The most common use for term sets is to filter for terms within a given Domain. |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class TermStatusEjb. A Status is a qualifier of a term indicating such aspects of approval, acceptability, or applicability in a given context. In the Terminology Manager, Status is a system category that is based on a subset of the statuses listed in the ISO standard 12620. |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class TypedRuleSetEjb |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class TypeStatisticsEjb. Provides an aggregated view on the check results per issue type. |
[en] Name |
[en] Java Type |
[en] Comment |
[en] type |
[en] FlagTypeEjb |
[en] The issue type |
[en] checkingScore |
[en] int |
[en] The Acrolinx Score. The lower the score, the better. |
[en] checkingStatus |
[en] String |
[en] The checking status. For example, "green", "red". |
[en] flagCount |
[en] int |
[en] The issue count. The total number of issues for this check and issue type |
[en] weight |
[en] int |
[en] The weight |
[en] statistics |
[en] StatisticsEjb |
[en] The statistics |
[en] Documentation |
[en] A user that is using Acrolinx. This class contains the full name and the username of the user. |
[en] Name |
[en] Java Type |
[en] Comment |
[en] External_ID |
[en] String |
[en] The username of the user. |
[en] userName |
[en] String |
[en] The optional full name of the user as entered in the Dashboard on the user details page. |
[en] Ignore_For_Analytics |
[en] boolean |
[en] Highlight whether to include the data for the user in reports. |
[en] Force_Reenter_Umd |
[en] boolean |
[en] Highlight whether to prompt the user to fill out their custom user information again. |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class UserMetaDataEjb. Administrators can configure custom user fields for collecting custom user information. |
[en] Documentation |
[en] The Class VoiceCharacteristicEjb. This table stores the voice scores for each checked document. |
[en] Name |
[en] Java Type |
[en] Comment |
[en] TYPE |
[en] String |
[en] The type of the voice score, for example readability or liveliness |
[en] String |
[en] The language that the voice score applies to |
[en] String |
[en] The profile that the voice score is assigned to |
[en] String |
[en] The difference between the actual score and the target score |
[en] TARGET |
[en] String |
[en] The target score |
[en] SCORE |
[en] String |
[en] The score that Acrolinx measured for the document |
[en] String |
[en] The score difference before the scorecard indicates a red score |
[en] String |
[en] The score difference before the scorecard indicates a yellow score |
[en] String |
[en] The ID of the document event, that is, the check |