Acrolinx unterstützt viele standardmäßige Eingabetypen. Außerdem enthält es eine Mapping-Datei von Eingabetypen für gängige Dateierweiterungen. Wenn Acrolinx den Datei-Eingabetyp Ihres Contents nicht erkennt, müssen Sie Acrolinx für die Erkennung des Dateityps konfigurieren.
Acrolinx unterstützt die folgenden Eingabetypen:
Eingabetyp |
Eingabetyp |
Text |
*.txt |
*.html, *.htm, *.xhtm, *.xhtml |
XML and DITA |
*.xml. *.dita |
DITA Map |
*.ditamap |
[en] CommonMark |
[en] *.md |
GitHub-Markdown |
*.md |
*.json |
Eigenschaften |
*.properties |
Java Code-Kommentare - Standard |
*.java In Java-Dateien prüft Acrolinx nur Codekommentare. |
Java Code-Kommentare - Javadoc Style |
*.java In Java-Dateien prüft Acrolinx nur Codekommentare. |
C++ Code-Kommentare - Standard |
*.cpp, *.h |
Microsoft-Word-Dokumente |
*.docx, *.docm |
Microsoft-PowerPoint-Dokumente |
*.pptx |
Microsoft-Excel-Dokumente |
*.xlsx |
*.yaml |
Figma |
*.fig Wird nur für die Prüfung innerhalb von Figma unterstützt. |
Visio |
*.vsdx |
[en] No problem! Depending on your format, you can preprocess your content so Acrolinx can read it.
[en] For example, reStructuredText is a file format for textual data. The Python programming language community uses it primarily for technical documentation.
[en] Acrolinx can’t read reStructuredText (ReSt) (*.rst) files directly.
[en] Solution: You can preprocess the ReSt formats and send the content to Acrolinx as HTML.
[en] Acrolinx reads some formats directly, like HTML, XML, TEXT.
[en] At the moment, we'd recommend using the Command Line Interface or the API directly. You could preprocess the RST files by converting them to a file type like XML.
[en] Product and development teams use Acrolinx in their continuous integration processes. Developers run the Command Line Interface manually. They can also automate Acrolinx checking as a build job. Acrolinx analyzes the content during the build and returns links to Scorecards for each document. Content contributors get a notification, open the links to Scorecards, and use the feedback to correct their content.