[en] Look at our release notes to learn more about the development of Acrolinx for Git Hosting.
[en] Released 29 August 2024
[en] This service release gives you access to sample JSON configuration files via the Command Line Interface (CLI) options --sample-json-config
and --sample-files
. We've also made some dependency updates, fixed some security vulnerabilities, and improved the log messages.
[en] For more information on how to configure the Git Hosting integration using JSON configuration files, visit [en] Format Migration for Configuration Files and Repository Registry.
[en] Released 22 April 2024
[en] This release, we've made the :file-size-limit
configuration option available for pull requests. We've also done some routine maintenance and security fixes.
[en] Learn more about how to use :file-size-limit
in [en] Configurations.
[en] Released 3 November 2023
[en] This service release fixes a bug that affected pull request status information. If an unsupported pull request activity came through, the pull request status would change to `succeeded`.
[en] The GitHub pull request activities that we currently support are:
[en] `opened`
[en] `reopened`
[en] `synchronize`
[en] Because of the security updates included in this release, you'll need to update to Java 11 in your hosting environment for the webhook.
[en] We've also added more information to the log entries for better monitoring.
[en] Released 6 July 2023
[en] This service release fixes a bug that popped up when the first file in a pull request wasn't successfully checked. If this was the case, you couldn't see the link to the Content Analysis dashboard in your results. We've also made some security updates.
[en] Released 12 June 2023
[en] Improvements and fixes to log entries to make it easier to monitor the private beta feature flag within the Acrolinx for GitHub integration.
[en] Released 15 May 2023
[en] This release, we've added a feature flag that enables Target-Stapelzuweisung for Markdown files that have been annotated with metadata. As usual, we've also provided security vulnerability fixes as usual.
[en] This feature is currently available as a private beta, so it’s subject to change in future versions.
[en] This release requires:
[en] Acrolinx Platform version 2022.02 or later (Private Cloud only)
[en] Target Batch Mapping Feature Flag - We've added a private beta feature flag that enables Target Batch Mapping for Markdown files via document custom fields. Learn more about how it works.
[en] Released 28 April 2023
[en] This version fixes a bug in parallel processing that could cause both the baseline and webhook workers to stop processing.
[en] Released 20 March 2023
[en] This small service release fixes a bug that caused the baseline to enter an infinite loop.
[en] Released 6 March 2023
[en] Small release for maintenance and code refactoring.
[en] Released 16 February 2023
[en] This is an important release with two new features that reduce errors in checks and in configuring files. We also updated our libraries to resolve a couple of high CVEs.
[en] This release requires the following:
[en] Acrolinx Platform version 2021.12 or later (Private Cloud only)
[en] This release extends the implementation of retry mechanisms consistently for all HTTP calls. Previously, this was implemented only for those calls that often fail according to your observations.
[en] The mechanism is used in all calls made to the Acrolinx API and the respective APIs of the Git Hosting providers that we support, namely GitHub and Azure DevOps Git. The mechanism performs retries upon receiving HTTP responses with status codes that indicate temporary unavailability of the servers and thus it increases the likelihood of successful responses. This results in reduced impact of the unavailability of the servers and increased reliability in the communication between the integration and the above mentioned platforms.
[en] EDN to JSON Format Migration for Configuration Files and Repository Registry[en] The Acrolinx for Git Hosting integration is now able to read its configuration and remote repository registry from JSON files. All three types of configuration files: the user-specific local configuration file, the global configuration file, and the repository level configuration file and the repository registry can be specified in both EDN and JSON, with JSON being the format that takes precedence.
[en] How the remote configuration files and the repository registry are read
[en] If the integration detects a JSON file, it reads the remote configuration from that file and it ignores the EDN configuration file. The remote EDN configuration is read if and only if there’s no JSON file present in the repository.
[en] The above reading rules and format precedence apply to the repository registry file as well. We have provided support for both reading and writing of the repo state from and to the JSON repository registry file.
[en] Support for JSON comments
[en] The JSON format doesn’t support comments, however, we have provided support for comments as objects and key value pairs where the comment object name or key name starts with two forward slashes (//).
[en] For example:
{ "//comment001": "A comment", ":foo0": [{"//comment0001": "A comment inside an array"}, "foo"], ":foo1": { "//comment001": "Yet another comment", ":foo2": "foo2" } }
[en] When the files are read, the comments are ignored. For future compatibility, we recommend the comment keys to be unique.
[en] Naming convention for the configuration options
[en] Note that the naming convention for the configuration options hasn’t changed, so when you specify the configuration options in your JSON files, make sure they start with a colon (:).
[en] Naming convention for the configuration files
[en] You need to make sure that the user-specific local configuration file ends in a .json
extension. The file names are as follows:
[en] Global configuration file name:
[en] Repository-level configuration file name:
[en] Repository registry file name:
[en] Dependency (version) |
[en] CVSS Rating |
[en] CVE |
[en] Found in |
[en] org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-client ( 9.4.44.v20210927) |
[en] LOW [en] HIGH |
[en] CVE-2022-2047 [en] CVE-2022-2048 |
[en] o.github.atomisthq/jibbit > com.cognitect.aws/api > [en] com.cognitect/http-client |
[en] com.github.jnr:jnr-posix (3.0.53) |
[en] HIGH |
[en] CVE-2014-4043 |
[en] com.unbounce:clojure-dogstatsd-client@0.7.0 > com.datadoghq:java-dogstatsd-client@2.11.0 > com.github.jnr:jnr-unixsocket@0.27 > com.github.jnr:jnr-posix@3.0.53 |
[en] Released 28 December 2022
[en] This is a huge release jam packed with new features and bug fixes. Oh, and you might have noticed the new name! Read on to see all the exciting things we’ve added in this release.
[en] This release requires the following:
[en] Acrolinx Platform version 2021.12 or later (Private Cloud only)
[en] We have dropped support for the following:
[en] GitHub 2.0.x, 3.1.1, 3.2.0, 3.3.0, 3.4.0, and 3.5.0.
[en] The GitHub and the Azure DevOps Git integrations now have a common source code base. They’ll now be available as two different git service providers under one integration, the newly released Git Hosting 4.0 integration. Upon installing the integration, you can configure which integration you want installed.
[en] Updated Configuration OptionWarnung
[en] This is a breaking change.
[en] The configuration option :secret
is now called :gh-secret
. Please change your main config file accordingly.
[en] Most configuration options are now supported for Azure DevOps Git pull request processing. See the end of the release notes for more details.
[en] Decreased the Event Queue Delay from 10 Seconds to 0.1 Seconds[en] Because of significant improvements of the GitHub cloud system (the git service itself), we’ve been able to drastically decrease the event queue delay from 10 to 0.1 seconds! In practice, it means that the comments and status are now posted to the git hosting service (GitHub or Azure DevOps) up to 10 seconds faster.
[en] ACROLINX_LOGGING_TARGET Option Removed[en] The environment variable ACROLINX_LOGGING_TARGET
that was used to redirect the log output to the standard output has been removed due to a change in the logback library.
[en] We recommend the following approach:
[en] Inside the JAR, the file logback-stdout.xml
can be used to redirect the log output. It is on the classpath and can be used as follows:
java -Dlogback.configurationFile=logback-stdout.xml -jar JARFILE ...
[en] This will redirect the log output to standard output.
[en] The file logback-stdout.xml
was already included in the JARs of the versions Acrolinx for GitHub 3.6.0 and Acrolinx for Azure DevOps 1.1.0. You don't need to synchronize any deployment script changes with the integration upgrade.
[en] The user interface of the Git Hosting integration has been removed. The main reason is that all the information provided via the former user interface is now available via command line options and the log system. This means that we can spend more time on new features, rather than maintaining an old, unused one!
[en] With Azure DevOps 1.1, the persistent session ID returned by the Azure DevOps system was printed in some log entries. This has been fixed at the level of the exception system (HTTP headers aren't anymore printed to the log output in those exceptional cases).
[en] Acrolinx Ignored Files When Config Option:allowed-filename-matches
Was a String
[en] A bug has been fixed for the configuration option :allowed-filename-matches
. Previously when the value of this configuration option was a string (not a vector of strings), the integration wouldn’t check any files. The configuration option now works as designed.
[en] Current differences between GitHub and Azure DevOps support:
[en] The Azure DevOps Git mode supports only pull request events processing.
[en] The configuration option
can mean different things based on differences in the APIs of those services:-
[en] GitHub: username
[en] Azure DevOps: email address
[en] The configuration option
refers to the pull request label in GitHub and to the pull request tag in Azure DevOps (different terminology between the git service providers). -
[en] The configuration option
isn’t yet supported on Azure DevOps Git.