Versionshinweise für die Acrolinx-Plattform beschreiben Funktionen, Verbesserungen und Fixes für Cloud- und Standard-Stack-Versionen.
Veröffentlicht am 18. Dezember 2023
Das letzte Release des Jahres beinhaltet einige Verbesserungen für Targets sowie eine Fehlerbehebung.
Berechtigung Targets anzeigen – Manche Benutzer*innen müssen sich möglicherweise Targets ansehen, ohne sie zu bearbeiten. Mit der neuen Berechtigung können Sie schreibgeschützten Zugriff auf Targets gewähren.
Bessere UI – Wir haben eine kleine Verbesserung am Schiebemenü für Target-Zuweisungen umgesetzt. Dadurch können Sie nun mehrere Kriterien sehen, ohne das Bearbeitungsfenster öffnen zu müssen.
Falsches Content-Profil – Wenn Sie in einem Content-Profil das Target-Kriterium nutzen, wurde bei bestimmten Targets manchmal das falsche Content-Profil verwendet. Dies haben wir behoben.
Veröffentlicht am 27. November 2023
Dieses Release ist sehr übersichtlich. Wir haben einige allgemeine Wartungsmaßnahmen durchgeführt, die für einen reibungslosen Betrieb von Acrolinx sorgen.
Veröffentlicht am 23. Oktober 2023
Dieses Release betrifft den Abschnitt „Kürzliche Aktivitäten“ in Targets.
Zusätzliche WCAG 2.1AA in Targets – Wir haben die Registerkarte Kürzliche Aktivitäten verbessert. Dadurch ist sie nun konform mit den WCAG 2.1AA.
Targets: Mit Kommentar speichern – Wir haben einen Fehler behoben, bei dem Kommentare in Kürzliche Aktivitäten nicht angezeigt wurden. Dies geschah, wenn Sie einen Terminologie-Schreibtipp geändert haben.
Sicherheitsaktualisierung – Wir haben ein Sicherheitsupdate hinzugefügt.
Veröffentlicht am 2. Oktober 2023
Manchmal kann es schwer sein, sich an die Gründe zu erinnern, warum sich etwas geändert hat. Nicht so in Targets. Denn dort können Sie jetzt Ihre letzten Aktivitäten einsehen. Lesen Sie weiter, um mehr zu erfahren.
Targets: Kürzliche Aktivitäten – Erinnern Sie sich leicht daran, was Sie aus welchen Gründen geändert haben. Im Schiebemenü Kürzliche Aktivitäten sehen Sie die letzten Änderungen an Ihren Targets. Darüber hinaus können Sie jetzt beim Bearbeiten und Löschen eines Targets Kommentare hinzufügen, die ebenfalls im Schiebemenü angezeigt werden.
Benutzer*innenverwaltung: Leistung – Wenn Sie eine große Anzahl von Benutzer*innen verwalten, kann es zu langen Ladezeiten kommen, besonders bei der Tabelle Benutzer*innen. Mit 2023.09 haben wir die Leistung verbessert, sodass Sie keine Verzögerungen mehr erleben sollten.
Benutzer*innen-Tabelle: Filter und Sortierung – Filter und Spaltensortierung bleiben erhalten, bis Sie sich abmelden oder das Zeitlimit für eine Sitzung überschritten ist. Angewandte Filter sind weiterhin aktiv, wenn Sie von der Bearbeitung eines*r ausgewählten Benutzers*in in der Benutzer*innendetailansicht zurückkehren.
Sicherheitsaktualisierung – Wir haben ein Sicherheitsupdate hinzugefügt.
Veröffentlicht am 16. August 2023
Diese Version ist kurz und bündig mit einigen Content-Cube-Verbesserungen sowie einer Fehlerbehebung.
Design der Sammlungen-Seite – Wir haben begonnen, einige Änderungen am Layout der Sammlungen-Seite vorzunehmen. Weitere Design-Updates sind in Vorbereitung!
Crawlen bestimmter URLs – Sie möchten nicht alles auf einer Domain crawlen? Ab sofort haben Sie die Option, eine bestimmte Liste von URLs zu crawlen.
Erlaubte Terme wurden nicht ignoriert – Wenn Sie für erlaubte Terme die Einstellung „Ignorieren“ verwendet haben, sahen Ihre Autor*innen weiterhin Vorschläge für die ignorierten Terme. Dies haben wir behoben.
Veröffentlicht am 17. Juli 2023
Willkommen in einem neuen Zeitalter der Verwaltung Ihrer Benutzer*innen. Je mehr Sie haben, desto besser!
Diese Version von Acrolinx verfügt über eine verbesserte Benutzerverwaltung, mit der es einfacher ist, zahlreiche Benutzer*innen zu organisieren.
Modernisierte Ansicht – Im Rahmen unserer laufenden Design-Updates haben wir einen weiteren Schritt nach vorne gemacht. Ab sofort erscheint der Benutzerbereich in der modernen Ansicht. Es erwarten Sie einfachere Arbeitsabläufe, einige neue Funktionen und eine verbesserte Barrierefreiheit.
Hier sind einige Highlights:
Sortierbarkeit nach eigenen Feldern
Rollenbasiertes Filtern
Liste der Benutzer*innen, die als CSV-Datei exportiert werden kann
Inklusive deutsche UI
Hier ist ein Beispiel für die rollenbasierte Filterung.
Kompatibilität mit Google Analytics 4 (GA4) – Ab sofort können Sie Google Analytics 4 (GA4) in Content Cube nutzen. Dies gilt auch für Metriken auf Seitenebene.
Google stellt Universal Analytics (UA) ab Juli ein. Acrolinx tut dies ebenfalls. Wir werden die Unterstützung für historische Daten von UA beibehalten. Ab dem 1. Juli 2023 ist GA4 jedoch eine Voraussetzung für alle Nutzer von Google Analytics.
Um GA4 zu aktivieren, aktivieren Sie einen neuen Connector in Content Cube.
Data-Center-Verbesserungen – Wir haben einige Aspekte beim Crawl-Tracking verbessert. Dazu zählen:
Ein detaillierterer Blick auf die Ergebnisse von Crawlings und Prüfungen. Von nun an sehen Sie eine Aufschlüsselung der gecrawlten Seiten, der beim Crawlen übersprungenen Seiten, der versuchten Prüfungen, der fehlgeschlagenen Prüfungen und der erfolgreichen Prüfungen.
Eine Aufschlüsselung, welche Seiten nicht gecrawlt wurden und warum. Die Seiten werden im Data Center auf der Registerkarte Skipped angezeigt.
Veröffentlicht am 19. Juni 2023
In dieser Version haben wir einige weitere Funktionen für Content Cube hinzugefügt. Damit Acrolinx weiterhin reibungslos läuft, haben wir zudem einige Sicherheitsupdates durchgeführt.
Mehr Optionen in Content Cube - Wir haben einige neue Funktionen zu Content Cube hinzugefügt. Dadurch erhalten Sie:
eine präzisere Datumsfilterung.
die Möglichkeit, einzelne Content-Seiten erneut zu crawlen.
einen Aktivitätszeitplan, um zu verfolgen, wie sich Auswechslungen von Targets auf die Performance auswirken.
Außerdem können Sie Content Cube nun über das Dashboard-Menü öffnen.
Sicherheitsupdates - Wir haben einige Updates durchgeführt, um dafür zu sorgen, dass Acrolinx weiterhin sicher ist.
Unicode 0xb löst XPathException in Word aus - Wir haben einen Fehler behoben, der das Markieren von Oberflächen verhinderte, die einen vertikalen Tabulator (0x0b) enthalten.
This page is only available in English.
Supported web browsers for access to the Dashboard and Term Browser.
Browser |
Supported |
Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML 14) |
Mozilla Firefox 68 or later |
Google Chrome 76 or later |
Safari 14 or later |
If the Acrolinx Private Cloud isn't an option for you, this is the combination of software that we support for Acrolinx installations. It's tested, supported, and works best in production.
If you run Acrolinx on a combination of these technologies, you can use the Standard Stack releases of the Acrolinx Platform.
Acrolinx works best with the software listed in the "Recommended" column, but you can use it with all of the versions listed below.
If you use Standard Stack, you can install RHEL system updates at any time. For all other software, you'll need to use the versions listed.
Standard Stack |
Recommended |
Supported |
Operating System |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 (x64) |
7 |
7 |
Kubernetes Distribution |
K3s |
v1.22.8+k3s1 |
v1.22.8+k3s1 |
Databases |
PostgreSQL |
13 |
13 |
Oracle |
19c (Standard or Enterprise) |
19c (Standard or Enterprise) |
Helm Chart Version |
1.4.3+2023.06 |
1.4.3+2023.06 |
Veröffentlicht am 17. Mai 2023
Dies ist eine Private-Cloud-Version mit spannenden Ergänzungen zu Content Cube und Targets. Außerdem haben wir die Gelegenheit genutzt und ein neues Inline-Tutorial für die neue Reuse-Funktion erstellt.
Wir haben Änderungen an Content Cube vorgenommen, die Ihren Workflow deutlich einfacher machen. Dazu gehören:
eine neue Suchfunktion auf der Sammlungen-Homepage. Mit der neuen Suchleiste können Sie nach einer Sammlung suchen. Geben Sie einfach den Namen der Sammlung oder des*der Erstellers*in der Sammlung ein. Acrolinx zeigt Ihnen dann die entsprechenden Sammlungen an.
eine neue Sortierfunktion auf der Sammlungen-Homepage. Ab sofort können Sie alle Sammlungen in aufsteigender Reihenfolge nach Sammlungsname, Erstellungsdatum, Ersteller*in oder Acrolinx Score sortieren.
eine Option zum Ändern der Crawl-Geschwindigkeit. Wenn Sie Crawls konfigurieren, können Sie nun auch die Crawl-Geschwindigkeit einstellen. Standardmäßig crawlt unser Crawler etwa 10 URLs/Sekunde. Diese Geschwindigkeit können Sie je nach Ihren Infrastrukturanforderungen anpassen.
Wir haben einen Abschnitt mit Informationen zu Aktivitäten in Targets eingeführt. Im Schiebemenü Target Setup können Sie sehen, von wem und wann ein Target erstellt und zuletzt bearbeitet wurde. Scrollen Sie hierfür nach unten und erweitern Sie den Bereich Activity.
Beachten Sie, dass Acrolinx keine früheren Informationen gespeichert hat. Sie sehen also nur Daten für Targets, die nach dieser Version erstellt oder bearbeitet wurden. Für Targets, die vor dieser Version bearbeitet oder erstellt wurden, werden keine Informationen angezeigt.
Finden Sie auch, dass die Funktionen von Acrolinx manchmal ziemlich komplex sein können? Keine Sorge, es gibt Hilfe.
Wir haben begonnen, (wieder) Inline-Tutorials für das Dashboard einzuführen. Für den Abschnitt Reuse finden Sie nun ein neues Tutorial. Dieses Tutorial führt Sie durch alle notwendigen Schritte, wie Sie ein Reuse-Set erstellen, eine Ersetzung hinzufügen und ein Set löschen. Außerdem haben wir nützliche Hintergrundinformationen und Beispiele hinzugefügt.
Beachten Sie, dass die Inline-Tutorials noch in Arbeit sind. Wir empfehlen, alle Schritte des Reuse-Tutorials zu befolgen, um Probleme zu vermeiden.
Wir haben den hohen Speicherverbrauch im Hauptserver reduziert, der früher zu Out-of-Memory- Fehlern führen konnte.
Das Filtermenü in der Sidebar war leer, wenn Sie mit einer Plattform im non-Targets Modus geprüft haben. Dies haben wir in den Sidebar-Versionen und behoben.
Veröffentlicht am 24. April 2023
Kleine Änderungen können einen großen Unterschied machen. In dieser Version haben wir einige kleine Verbesserungen an Content Cube vorgenommen, die Ihren Workflow deutlich vereinfachen. Lesen Sie weiter, um die Details zu erfahren.
Wir haben einige weitere Änderungen an Content Cube vorgenommen, die Ihren Workflow deutlich einfacher machen. Dazu gehören:
Neu organisierte Registerkarten in der Admin-Konsole, um den Fokus auf überwachten Content zu legen.
Ändern eines Targets und Auslösen einer erneuten Prüfung in der Content-Bibliothek.
Metainformationen in den Content-Detailkarten für jede Sammlung.
Eine eindeutige URL für jede Registerkarte Ihrer Content-Detailkarten.
Kopieren Sie einfach die URL aus der Adressleiste Ihres Browsers und teilen Sie sie bei Bedarf.
Mit 2023.03 haben wir eine modernisierte Reuse-Funktion eingeführt. Nun haben wir auch die dazugehörige Dokumentation veröffentlicht. Besuchen Sie hierzu unseren Reuse-Schnellstart.
Die klassische Reuse-Funktion werden wir im Oktober 2023 einstellen.
Veröffentlicht am 13. März 2023
Dieses Release steckt voller Verbesserungen für Content Cube. Außerdem freuen wir uns, dass nun auch das modernisierte Reuse verfügbar ist!
Wir führen eine verbesserte Reuse-Funktion ein, die:
Sie bei der Einhaltung konsistenter Schreibstandards unterstützt, indem Sie häufig verwendete oder bevorzugte Sätze und Wendungen speichern können.
Ihre Inhalte mit einem speziellen Ziel namens „bewährte Aussagen“ prüft, nach Ähnlichkeiten mit Ihren bevorzugten Wendungen sucht und Ersetzungen vorschlägt.
Diese neue Funktion löst die klassische Reuse-Funktion ab.
Derzeit beschreibt die Dokumentation die klassische Reuse-Funktion. Dokumentation über die verbesserte Reuse-Funktion erscheint in Kürze!
Dieses Mal haben wir uns auf die Benutzerfreundlichkeit konzentriert. Sie erhalten:
optimiertes Filter- und Suchverhalten auf der Registerkarte „Overview“ und den Detailkarten.
Target-Anpassung in Echtzeit direkt in den Detailkarten.
ein kombiniertes Balken- und Liniendiagramm, um die Gesamtleistung und die Leistung einzelner Seiten leichter vergleichen zu können.
Damit Acrolinx weiterhin reibungslos funktioniert, haben wir ein paar kleine Sicherheitsverbesserungen vorgenommen.
Wenn Sie zum ersten Mal oder nach dem Löschen des Caches auf eine Scorecard zugreifen wollten, wurden Sie zum Acrolinx Dashboard statt zur gewünschten Scorecard weitergeleitet. Dies haben wir korrigiert – nach erfolgreicher Authentifizierung gelangen Sie nun zur Scorecard.
This page is only available in English.
Supported web browsers for access to the Dashboard and Term Browser.
Browser |
Supported |
Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML 14) |
Mozilla Firefox 68 or later |
Google Chrome 76 or later |
Safari 14 or later |
If the Acrolinx Private Cloud isn't an option for you, this is the combination of software that we support for Acrolinx installations. It's tested, supported, and works best in production.
If you run Acrolinx on a combination of these technologies, you can use the Standard Stack releases of the Acrolinx Platform.
Acrolinx works best with the software listed in the "Recommended" column, but you can use it with all of the versions listed below.
If you use Standard Stack, you can install RHEL system updates at any time. For all other software, you'll need to use the versions listed.
Standard Stack |
Recommended |
Supported |
Operating System |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 (x64) |
7 |
7 |
Kubernetes Distribution |
K3s |
v1.22.8+k3s1 |
v1.22.8+k3s1 |
Databases |
PostgreSQL |
13 |
13 |
Oracle |
19c (Standard or Enterprise) |
19c (Standard or Enterprise) |
Helm Chart Version |
1.4.3+2023.03 |
1.4.3+2023.03 |
Veröffentlicht am 14. Februar 2023
Dieses Release steckt voller Verbesserungen für Content Cube. Zudem haben wir die Sidebar hilfreicher gestaltet, wenn Sie Stapelprüfungen von DITA Maps durchführen.
Nicht zuletzt haben wir die Sicherheit beim Hochladen von Dateien verbessert.
Wir freuen uns, dass wir unsere aktuelle Suite von Analytics-Connectoren in Content Cube um Adobe Analytics erweitern können. Neben Google Analytics können Sie nun Ihre Adobe-Analytics-Einrichtung verknüpfen, um die Performance Ihrer Webseiten zu analysieren.
Die Schritte für die Einrichtung von Adobe Analytics sind sehr ähnlich wie bei Google Analytics. Einen Überblick über die erforderlichen Schritte erhalten Sie in unserer Dokumentation.
Sie können Schreibtipps jetzt direkt in den Detailkarten anzeigen. Wir entwickeln diese Funktion noch weiter – halten Sie Ausschau nach weiteren Updates.
Content Cube: UI-VerbesserungenWir haben die Option hinzugefügt, Content direkt von einem Schreibtipp in der Content-Tabelle zu filtern. Auf diese Weise können Sie Ihr Benutzererlebnis nach individuellen Schreibtipps organisieren. Sie können die Einstellungen für Sammlungen ganz einfach über das Dropdownmenü für den Wechsel der Sammlung innerhalb von Content Cube aufrufen.
Oxygen: Sidebar-Tooltip für Stapelprüfungen zeigt jetzt den Namen des Topics anNachdem Sie eine Stapelprüfung einer DITA Map in Oxygen durchgeführt haben, können Sie mit dem Mauszeiger über jede Sidebar-Karte fahren, um den gesamten Topic-Namen zu sehen. Dies ist besonders hilfreich, wenn Sie lange Topic-Namen verwenden oder wenn das von Ihnen verwendete CMS Ihren Topics eine ID oder einen Namen hinzufügt.
20. Dezember 2022
Es ist soweit: Die Feiertage sind da! Passend dazu haben wir ein neues Release für Sie.
Mit dieser Version haben wir die Barrierefreiheit verbessert und eine neue Option in der Sidebar eingeführt. Außerdem haben wir einige Änderungen an Content Cube vorgenommen, die Ihr Nutzungserlebnis optimieren.
Gute Neuigkeiten: Die neue Ansicht des Acrolinx Dashboards und die Acrolinx Sidebar sind barrierefrei gemäß WCAG 2.1 Level A! Für das Dashboard bedeutet dies die neue Ansicht einschließlich aller aktuellen und zukünftigen Abschnitte. Mit der Migration auf die neue Ansicht werden wir weitere Bereiche des Dashboards barrierefrei machen. Wir wissen, dass Sie darauf gewartet haben, und freuen uns, diese Verbesserung mit Ihnen feiern zu können. Lesen Sie den ausführlichen Acrolinx Accessibility Conformance Report.
Standardmäßig wird eine Sidebar-Karte noch 3 Sekunden lang angezeigt, nachdem Sie einen Schreibtipp oder alle Vorkommnisse eines Schreibtipps ignoriert haben. So haben Sie Zeit, eine Aktion rückgängig zu machen, falls Sie Ihre Meinung ändern.
Es gab jedoch einige Fälle, in denen die Wartezeit Ihren Workflow unterbrochen hat. Um dies zu verhindern, haben wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit gegeben, die Rückgängigmachen-Option zu deaktivieren. Wenn Sie die Option deaktivieren möchten, gehen Sie zum Schiebemenü in der Sidebar und dann zu Benutzerprofil > Erweitert. Hier können Sie den Umschalter neben Rückgängig machen ausblenden aktivieren. So bleiben die Karten nicht mehr sichtbar, nachdem Sie eine Entscheidung getroffen haben.
Dropdown für Leistungskennzahlen – Wir haben ein Dropdown-Menü hinzugefügt, mit dem Sie KPIs direkt auswählen können. Das Dropdown-Menü für Leistungskennzahlen ist sowohl für die aktuellen als auch für frühere Leistungsdaten verfügbar.
Zoomfunktion für Content City – Sie konnten bereits klicken und ziehen, um sich die Content City genauer anzusehen. Jetzt können Sie auch mit Ihrer Tastatur bestimmte Bereiche vergrößern. Halten Sie dazu einfach Strg/Befehl + Scroll gedrückt.
Neue Position der Dropdowns – Ab sofort können Sie Ziele und KPIs aus der Gruppe der Dropdowns über der Content City auswählen. Dadurch wird das Nutzungserlebnis visuell ansprechender.
Wir haben 2 Möglichkeiten zur Visualisierung von Daten im Bereich Daily Performance eingeführt. Wenn Sie nur sehen möchten, wie Ihr Inhalt für bestimmte Ziele abschneidet, können Sie die Content City in 2D umschalten.
Wenn Sie Leistungskennzahlen verfolgen, können Sie die Content City nutzen, um zu sehen, wie diese mit Ihren Zielen zusammenhängen. Wenn Sie die beiden Dimensionen kombinieren, wechselt die Content City zu einer 3D-Ansicht. Um die Content City in 3D zu nutzen, wählen Sie einfach eine Leistungskennzahl aus dem Dropdown-Menü aus.
Wir haben einige neue Funktionen in der Content-Bibliothek hinzugefügt, die es Ihnen erleichtern, Ihre Inhalte zu prüfen. Ab sofort können Sie ein neues Sachgebiet direkt aus der Content-Bibliothek zu Content Cube hinzufügen. So müssen Sie nicht jedes Mal zum Data Center wechseln, wenn Sie ein neues Sachgebiet ergänzen möchten.
Außerdem haben wir die Möglichkeit geschaffen, Seiten in Ihrer Bibliothek erneut zu prüfen. Wenn Sie z. B. eine Änderung in Ihrem Blog vorgenommen haben, können Sie die entsprechende Seite auswählen und direkt in der Content-Bibliothek eine erneute Prüfung durchführen.
Wenn Sie sich das nächste Mal bei Acrolinx anmelden, werden Sie feststellen, dass die Schaltfläche „Integrierter Admin“ nicht mehr da ist. Kein Grund zur Sorge! Wir arbeiten gerade an der Verbesserung dieser Funktion für Cloud. Bleiben Sie dran für weitere Updates!
Supported web browsers for access to the Dashboard and Term Browser.
If the Acrolinx Private Cloud isn't an option for you, this is the combination of software that we support for Acrolinx installations. It's tested, supported, and works best in production.
If you run Acrolinx on a combination of these technologies, you can use the Standard Stack releases of the Core Platform.
Acrolinx works best with the software listed in the "Recommended" column, but you can use it with all of the versions listed below.
If you use Standard Stack, you can install RHEL system updates at any time. For all other software, you'll need to use the versions listed.
Standard Stack |
Recommended |
Supported |
Operating System |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 (x64) |
7 |
7 |
Kubernetes Distribution |
K3s |
v1.22.8+k3s1 |
v1.22.8+k3s1 |
Databases |
PostgreSQL |
13 |
13 |
Oracle |
19c (Standard or Enterprise) |
19c (Standard or Enterprise) |
Helm Chart Version |
1.3.12+2022.12 |
1.3.12+2022.12 |
22. November 2022
Willkommen auf der Acrolinx-Plattform!
Sie lesen richtig – wir nennen unsere Plattform nun nicht mehr Acrolinx Core-Plattform. Bei einer unserer regelmäßigen Terminologie-Aktualisierungen haben wir beschlossen, dass es Zeit für einen kürzeren und informelleren Namen ist. Vielleicht ist Ihnen aufgefallen, dass wir den Term „Acrolinx-Plattform“ bereits verwenden, aber jetzt ist das Ganze offiziell.
Zudem freuen wir uns, verschiedene Verbesserungen in Content Cube bekannt zu geben. Einige Fehler haben wir ebenfalls behoben. Lesen Sie weiter und erfahren Sie mehr.
Sie werden diese Änderung in Ihrem Download-Bereich und in allen Acrolinx-Komponenten bemerken. Die neue Bezeichnung hat auch zu einigen Änderungen in der Dokumentation geführt. Dabei haben wir sichergestellt, dass die Aktualisierungen keinerlei Auswirkungen auf Sie haben – Sie müssen sich nur an den neuen Namen gewöhnen.
Token sind nicht immer nötig. Deshalb ist es nicht mehr möglich, ein API-Token für den*die integrierte*n Admin-Benutzer*in zu erstellen – und der*die integrierte Benutzer*in kann kein API-Token für das eigene Konto mehr erstellen. Es gibt nämlich keinen Anwendungsfall, der dies erforderlich machen würde.
In Content Cube haben wir die alten Registerkarten „Discover“ und „Track“ zur neuen Registerkarte Overview zusammengeführt. Auf dieser Registerkarte können Sie sich einen umfassenden Überblick über die Leistung Ihrer Inhalte verschaffen.
Die Registerkarte bietet 2 Möglichkeiten, Content anzuzeigen:
Die Ansicht Latest Performance zeigt Content der letzten Prüfung. Wenn Sie sich bestimmte Seiten genauer ansehen möchten, können Sie die Content City erkunden.
In der Ansicht Past Performance können Sie die Qualität des Contents im Zeitverlauf verfolgen. Anhand des Balkendiagramms können Sie sehen, wie sich Ihre Content-Scores über verschiedene Zeiträume hinweg verändern.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Verfolgen Sie die Performance Ihrer Inhalte.
Wir haben die Art und Weise verbessert, wie Sie mit Ihren Daten interagieren können. Auf der Registerkarte Overview haben wir in der Ansicht Latest Performance eine detailliertere Tabelle zur Analyse der Schreibtipps hinzugefügt. Verwenden Sie diese Tabelle, um die häufigsten Schreibtipps zu ermitteln.
Zudem können Sie direkt aus der Liste der Detailkarten neue Sammlungen erstellen. Dies ist nützlich, wenn Sie Inhalte aus Sammlungen auf der Grundlage von Leistungsergebnissen segmentieren möchten.
Und: Wir haben in der Admin Console ein Suchfeld hinzugefügt. So können Sie nun in jeder Registerkarte der Content Library eine Volltextsuche durchführen.
In einigen Fällen hat die neue Ansicht des Dashboards die in der klassischen Ansicht eingestellte Oberflächensprache nicht übernommen. Wir dachten, wir hätten das Problem mit Version 2022.05 gelöst, aber der Fehler tauchte weiterhin auf. Wir haben ihn nun endgültig behoben, sodass die von Ihnen gewählte Sprache in beiden Ansichten einheitlich ist.
Dieser Fehler trat auf, wenn Sie ein Guidance-Paket vor Version 2022.07 mit einer Acrolinx-Platform nach Version 2022.07 verwendet haben.
In diesem Fall konnten Sie im Ziel Clarity zu den Schreibtipps für die Satzlänge keinen Wert hinzufügen. Wenn Sie auf den Schreibtipp geklickt haben, wurde der Wert auf 0 gesetzt – keine gute Länge für einen Satz. Das brachte eine Menge Probleme mit sich, da es auch Ihre individuellen Schreibtipps beeinflusst hat. Das Problem haben wir behoben, sodass Sie mit diesem Release ein Guidance-Paket vor Version 2022.07 verwenden können.
3. November 2022
Diese Version enthält eine Behebung einer Sicherheitslücke und ein wichtiges Update für Analytics.
17. October 2022
Diese Version enthält keine großen Änderungen. Aber wir haben an einigen Dingen gearbeitet, die wir mit Ihnen teilen möchten. In Content Cube wollten wir Ihnen ein klareres Verständnis der Vorgänge ermöglichen. Deshalb haben wir mehrere Benachrichtigungen hinzugefügt.
Außerdem haben wir einen Fehler behoben, der Auswirkungen darauf hatte, wer Termbilder sehen konnte. Und wir haben die Anmeldebildschirme überarbeitet, um einen neuen Workflow vorzubereiten.
Die Anzahl der „Pages Under Governance“ in der Admin-Konsole hilft Ihnen, die Anzahl der Seiten zu verfolgen, die Sie in Content Cube überwachen. Dabei zeigte die Benutzeroberfläche jedoch nicht an, wenn Sie sich dem in Ihrer Lizenz festgelegten Limit näherten. Deshalb haben wir einige Benachrichtigungen hinzugefügt. Wenn Sie 90% und 95% Ihres Governance-Limits ausgeschöpft haben, erhalten Sie eine Benachrichtigung in Ihrer Content-Bibliothek und in Ihrem Data Center.
Termbilder sind eigentlich keine vertraulichen Informationen. Doch für einige Term-Browser-Benutzer*innen waren die Bilder für Termeinträge nur mit Dashboard-Zugang sichtbar. Dieses Problem haben wir behoben. Jetzt können alle Benutzer*innen des Term Browsers – ob mit oder ohne Dashboard-Zugriff – die zusammen mit Ihren Termeinträgen gespeicherten Bilder anzeigen.
3. November 2022
Diese Version enthält eine Behebung einer Sicherheitslücke und ein wichtiges Update für Analytics.
26. September 2022
[en] This release comes with a bug fix for the Approved Messaging goal.
[en] 20 September 2022
[en] We admit that we underestimated the importance of admitted terms. Previously in Targets, Acrolinx handled terms with the status “admitted” in two ways. This release, you get no less than four options! Read on to find out what they are.
[en] Depending on how your organization works, your teams might handle admitted terms differently. Some teams may create content that uses very specific terms, so they need to correct admitted terms. And for other teams, it might not make sense for Acrolinx to suggest admitted terms as replacements with every check.
[en] With this release, we’ve introduced more options to let Acrolinx handle admitted terms. You can decide how Acrolinx treats them in a check, if they appear in the Acrolinx Sidebar, or if they contribute to the Acrolinx Score. To learn more, visit our Words and Phrases documentation.
[en] When you tried to filter by Target, the data didn’t show up in the Guideline Details table of the Guidance Overview Analytics dashboard as expected. This works again! You’ll now see the data you’re looking for when you filter by a Target.
[en] If your preferred or deprecated terms included numerals, you wouldn’t see them in the Sidebar. For example, the terms "3-beinige [Katze]" didn’t generate flags for "3-beinige Katze." This is fixed. Acrolinx now finds and flags compound terms based on your terminology entries.
Supported web browsers for access to the Dashboard and Term Browser.
[en] If the Acrolinx Private Cloud isn't an option for you, this is the combination of software that we support for Acrolinx installations. It's tested, supported, and works best in production.
[en] If you run Acrolinx on a combination of these technologies, you can use the Standard Stack releases of the Core Platform.
[en] Acrolinx works best with the software listed in the "Recommended" column, but you can use it with all of the versions listed below.
[en] If you use Standard Stack, you can install RHEL system updates at any time. For all other software, you'll need to use the versions listed.
[en] Standard Stack |
[en] Recommended |
[en] Supported |
[en] Operating System |
[en] Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 (x64) |
7 |
7 |
[en] Kubernetes Distribution |
[en] K3s |
[en] v1.22.8+k3s1 |
[en] v1.22.8+k3s1 |
[en] Databases |
[en] PostgreSQL |
13 |
13 |
[en] Oracle |
[en] 19c (Standard or Enterprise) |
[en] 19c (Standard or Enterprise) |
[en] Helm Chart Version |
1.3.7+2022.09.1 |
1.3.7+2022.09.1 |
[en] Releaed 17 August 2022
[en] This very compact release gives you some time to enjoy the summer. But don't underestimate the crawling improvements in Content Cube. Also, we'll finally drop support for Windows 7.
[en] Content you want to check and analyze might live behind a sign-in. With this release, you can crawl these password-protected pages as long as you have the credentials. To do so, add your sign-in details (for authentication via HTTP form) when you set up a crawl. You can also specify custom request headers in the Advanced Crawl Settings. You'll find these in the admin console under Data Center > Web Crawling. Learn more in our web crawling documentation.
[en] Released 11 July 2022
[en] As promised, we're back this month with a full release that focuses on Targets improvements.
[en] We've made guideline parameters even more customizable, so you can easily align them with your content needs. We've also restructured the term domain selector in Targets to help you navigate better. On top of that, you get a bit more information about number fields for different guidelines. Don't worry – we didn't skip out on bug fixes. Learn more about those changes down below.
[en] Good news! With this release and the new guidance package, you can now tailor certain guidelines to your needs even more. In Targets, it's possible to choose the exact word count that you want to optimize your guidance for. For the guideline "Is the length of the first paragraph appropriate?", for example, you can set the appropriate number of words.
[en] We’ve also improved the UI of our guidance by adding number parameters. That way, you see what a number represents and what limits apply to it. For example, the "Could you shorten this list item?" guideline now shows that the number relates to words, and gives the maximum and minimum values for the field.
[en] We're big fans of consistency, and that starts with a consistent UI. We wanted to make sure you know what's what in the term domain selector for the Words and Phrases and Inclusive Language goals. So, it now mirrors the structure of your Terminology domains. This will help you tell the difference between domains and subdomains. Plus, you won't have to select subdomains one by one anymore. Instead, you just have to select the primary domain.
[en] When you created or edited a Target in the Dashboard, you couldn't always scroll down in the "Create New Target" or "Edit Target" slide-out menus. This meant you couldn't see or select all of the goals available to you. But now there's no more trouble in paradise – the scrolling behavior works as expected.
[en] We gave you a username search field in Targets Assignments, but you couldn't use it to find anything. In short: it wasn't working. It now works as expected, so no need to scroll to find your users!
[en] Acrolinx didn't give you the right results when you checked with certain term filters. The culprit? Filters with "+" characters. This is all better now.
[en] Released 15 June 2022
[en] As summer starts to arrive in the northern hemisphere, it's time for lighter clothes, lighter food, and lighter ways of living. So, we present you with a very light but magical Cloud and Standard Stack release.
[en] But it's not because we take our jobs too lightly – this release paves the way for upcoming improvements. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes, and we're excited to talk about it soon. Stay tuned and update!
[en] Released 1 July 2022
[en] If you're a Standard Stack customer, you might need to take a few extra steps when you update to 2022.06. This applies if you use a K3s installation of version 2021.12.01 or older. To update, contact Acrolinx Support.
Supported web browsers for access to the Dashboard and Term Browser.
If the Acrolinx Private Cloud isn't an option for you, this is the combination of software that we support for Acrolinx installations. It's tested, supported, and works best in production.
If you run Acrolinx on a combination of these technologies, you can use the Standard Stack releases of the Core Platform.
Acrolinx works best with the software listed in the "Recommended" column, but you can use it with all of the versions listed below.
If you use Standard Stack, you can install RHEL system updates at any time. For all other software, you'll need to use the versions listed.
Standard Stack |
Recommended |
Supported |
Operating System |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 (x64) |
7 |
7 |
Kubernetes Distribution |
K3s |
v1.22.8+k3s1 |
v1.22.8+k3s1 |
Databases |
PostgreSQL |
13 |
13 |
Oracle |
19c (Standard or Enterprise) |
19c (Standard or Enterprise) |
Helm Chart Version |
1.3.0+2022.06 |
1.3.0+2022.06 |
[en] Released 25 May 2022
[en] We’ve definitely noticed that bugs are back for spring, but at least you won’t have to worry about them in Acrolinx.
[en] With this release, we've gotten rid of a few annoying bugs to improve the overall Acrolinx experience. To find out what we've fixed, read on!
[en] Sometimes you'd see a "Sentence can't be processed warning" for content with the "_NO_CHECK" context in your Outlook Content Profile. This is fixed. If you use "_NO_ CHECK," you won't run into this warning.
[en] In some cases, the modern view of the Dashboard didn't inherit the interface language setting of the classic view. With this release, you won't get lost in translation. The language settings that you make in the classic view will also apply to the modern view.
[en] There was an issue in the Sidebar where you weren't able to select a Target within our FrameMaker integration. We've taken care of this.
[en] When the order of the Content Groups changed under Analytics > Administration > Content Groups, you might've ended up with many Content Groups with the same name. The more the merrier? Not in this case. We've removed any duplicate Content Groups, and only the oldest of the duplicates will stay.
[en] Starting in 2022.04, the term filter dropdown showed a mysterious filter called abc
. It was a term filter that you hadn't defined. You might've seen this in both the Words and Phrases goal and the “Inclusive language terms” guideline. When you tried to select this and save the Target, it would revert to “Select a term filter.” What did it do? What was it for? We don't know, but you won't see this anymore. Your term filter selection in Targets should work as expected.
[en] Released 20 April 2022
[en] It's spring in the northern hemisphere, and we're excited to announce something new that has taken root.
[en] After a year of working in the Acrolinx Innovation Lab, we’re launching Content Cube! This new governance tool helps you improve content impact by focusing on your content's fitness. Use it to discover underperforming content, schedule content for improvement, and track content performance over time.
[en] Does this sound right up your alley? Contact your customer success manager for more information.
[en] Content Cube aligns performance metrics with fitness data to give you actionable insights into your content's performance. After your organization's content library is set up, you can create collections to discover opportunities for improvement, make changes, and track content impact.
[en] Before Acrolinx can start tracking content, you need to add web content to your organization's content library. Careful, you can only do this if you have the privilege "Use Content Cube". If you don't yet have this privilege, read on anyway to find out how Content Cube works.
[en] In the content library, Acrolinx reviews in two steps: a crawl and a check. To identify checkable text on your website, Acrolinx uses a crawler with the user agent Acrolinx-bot
. All an administrator has to do is provide the Acrolinx-bot
with the domains and subdomains that your team wants to track.
[en] After Acrolinx crawls your content, it starts an Acrolinx check. Like other Acrolinx products, Content Cube communicates with the Acrolinx Core Platform. This means that the Targets that you create in the Core Platform also affect how your content gets reviewed in Content Cube. Content Cube will automatically crawl and check the content library weekly. Once checking is complete, you can create content collections to start tracking content.
[en] Content collections are the building blocks of Content Cube. When you create a new collection, you'll use the Discover tab to review the current state of your content. Content Cube then gives you the option to funnel content in need of improvement into your review list in the Schedule tab. That way, you can store it in one place while you make plans to boost its fitness. You can then follow your content's performance via three different chart views in the Track tab.
[en] In each tab of your collections, there’s a slide-out menu with a list of goals. Every goal that you see in the slide-out menu acts as a filter. You can display all of the available goals or choose just a few that you want to focus on. You can also sync external analytics data to track additional metrics.
[en] To learn more, visit our Content Cube documentation!
[en] If you tried to edit a context for a guideline in version 2022.03 of Targets, you might've hit a snag. When you searched for a specific context and clicked "Select all," Acrolinx might've deselected existing selections that weren't in your search. We’ve fixed this. Context selections, new and old, will now stay put.
[en] We know it’s super handy to upload multimedia files to terminology fields, but a bug might’ve kept you from making the most of this. When you restarted Acrolinx, files uploaded via the Terminology API might’ve gotten deleted. We’re happy to announce that you don’t have to worry about this anymore. Images uploaded via the API will be exactly where you saved them.
[en] Every now and again, your writers couldn’t contribute terms via the AEM Sidebar. When they tried, they’d see an error message. This works again — go forth and contribute terms!
[en] When you use the request validator to debug, it helps to see the issues that a check creates. But these weren’t showing up in the Request Text with Context tab. This now works as expected, which means you can use it to debug issues again.
[en] Released 6 April 2022
[en] This release comes with some security fixes and a simpler external authentication setup for Standard Stack.
[en] For external authentication to work, an admin had to configure the dashboard.loginMode
property in the
file. But why take the long road when there’s a shorter way? We've eliminated this step for you. Now, Acrolinx automatically detects which kind of authentication is used.
[en] Released 21 March 2022
[en] We've got another release for you, and this one's all about usability.
[en] We've freshened up the Targets UI and added a new Analytics dashboard for the Inclusive Language goal. Plus, we've given you a way to specify multiple Targets during batch checks. To make for a more seamless user experience, we've also made some tweaks to the Dashboard UI. And we've found and fixed a bug.
[en] You've had some time to get familiar with the Inclusive Language goal, so now we've added a way for you to track its progress!
[en] Attention Targets users! You can now use the Inclusive Language Brief in Analytics to keep an eye on your content's progress for the Inclusive Language goal. See how your score applies to your content and how it behaves over time. The brief can also help you identify the most common issues within the goal.
[en] We've done a little Targets revamping, and we think you're going to love it. Your Targets not only load faster, but we've also improved usability (thanks to your feedback, of course).
[en] For example, we've moved the "Save" button to the top right-hand corner of the page. That way, you can always find it when you're ready to save changes. We've also made it easier for you to understand your Targets settings and recognize related issues in the Sidebar. This means you'll see new descriptions for your goals and presets in the Targets UI. Along with that, we've added the colors assigned to each goal. This will help you keep an overview of which goals correspond with the colored cards you see in the Sidebar.
[en] Batch checking is an easy way to handle a lot of documents at once. But sometimes, the collections or groups of content that you want to batch check need different Targets. Enter Target Batch Mapping!
[en] With Target Batch Mapping, you can link a Target to a location and to document custom fields. You can also decide if you want Acrolinx to assign Targets based on a detected language. This is available in the AEM, Wordpress, CLI, and GitHub integrations. To learn how to get started, check out our Target Batch Mapping documentation.
[en] When you haven't moved your mouse for a while, Acrolinx will sign you out of the Dashboard for security reasons. To give you more of a say in the process, we've tweaked our timeout notifications. A dialog will now pop up one minute before Acrolinx signs you out. You can decide if you want to stay signed in, or if you want to sign out immediately. If you don't see the dialog and the session times out, you’ll also get an update.
[en] It can take some detective work to navigate your browser tabs. So, we've made it a little easier for you. In the modern Dashboard view, you can now quickly see which page is open with a new-and-improved page title display. When you have a bunch of open tabs, this will help you find your way.
[en] From now on, you'll need to set a password for each new user that you create through the User API. To make sure the password that you set is secure, we've also enhanced the password requirements. Learn more about this in our API documentation.
[en] When you tried to make a change to the guidelines "Could, you shorten this list item?", "Could you shorten this sentence?", and "Could you shorten this title?" in the Guidance Wizard, you might've found that your changes didn’t save to the Target. We've added a fix for this! Your changes to these guidelines will save to the Target as intended.
Supported web browsers for access to the Dashboard and Term Browser.
If the Acrolinx Private Cloud isn't an option for you, this is the combination of software that we support for Acrolinx installations. It's tested, supported, and works best in production.
If you run Acrolinx on a combination of these technologies, you can use the Standard Stack releases of the Core Platform.
Acrolinx works best with the software listed in the "Recommended" column, but you can use it with all of the versions listed below.
If you use Standard Stack, you can install RHEL system updates at any time. For all other software, you'll need to use the versions listed.
Standard Stack |
Recommended |
Supported |
Operating System |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 (x64) |
7 |
7 |
Kubernetes Distribution |
K3s |
v1.20.7+k3s1 |
v1.20.7+k3s1 |
Databases |
PostgreSQL |
13 |
13 |
Oracle |
19c (Standard or Enterprise) |
19c (Standard or Enterprise) |
Helm Chart Version |
1.2.22+2022.03.1 |
1.2.22+2022.03.1 |
[en] Released 7 February 2022
[en] It's our first release in 2022, and it's just in time for the Lunar New Year! This one's chock full of improvements to help you start the year off right.
[en] Wondering what we've got in store? Here's a quick overview:
[en] Add your own terminology to the Inclusive Language guidance
[en] A new HTML export style sheet
[en] More clickable suggestions in the Sidebar
[en] Improved sorting and filtering in the User API
[en] Do you already work with inclusive alternatives to non-inclusive terms? Or do you have your very own list of non-inclusive terms that you want Acrolinx to find?
[en] If so, you can use our new Custom Inclusive Language Terms guideline group to add these terms to the Inclusive Language goal. That way, your writers know which terms to use and you avoid contradictory guidelines. The issues will also count as Inclusive Language issues. So, you can trust your Analytics when differentiating between Words and Phrases and Inclusive Language issues.
[en] For more details, look at the Inclusive Language section of our Targets documentation.
[en] If you want to get email updates about terminology changes, you're in luck. When combined with support for time-based exports from our cloud platform, our new HTML export style sheet lets you do just that. Now, you can set up weekly email updates about terminology. Is this what you're looking for? Get in touch with your Customer Success Manager.
[en] Good news! We’ve broadened the scope of guidelines that provide clickable suggestions in the Sidebar cards. Acrolinx combines issues that occur in one area of your content and belong to the same guideline in one Sidebar card. We call these "cards with subcards". In the past, Acrolinx couldn't suggest replacements within subcards, but now you'll see some clickable suggestions, too.
[en] This means you'll see more suggestions that the Sidebar can directly insert into your content. Hello, faster corrections!
[en] When you search for users in the user table, you might want to find all users associated with a specific role. To help you do just that, we've added the `roles` parameter.
[en] In the users table, some fields are associated with multiple users. When you tried to find an individual user in one of these fields, you might've had some trouble. We've improved this. Now when you sort by a general field, like checking frequency, the users you see for the categories Frequent, Infrequent, and Regular get sorted in ascending order within that field.
[en] To export the list of users from the User API, you now need edit rights for the Users section.
[en] Starting with 2022.08, we'll sunset support for Windows 7.
[en] To keep track of which Windows versions Acrolinx supports, check out our Integrations Compatibility Guide.
[en] Core Platform Compatibility
[en] Released 21 December 2021
[en] Released 16 December 2021
[en] 2021 is coming to a close, so we're celebrating the year's end with some exciting updates.
[en] This release addresses an important security issue. We’ve updated the Log4j Version to 2.16.0 to remediate the Log4Shell (CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046) vulnerabilities without the need for other mitigation steps.
[en] Version 2021.12 is also packed with improvements. These include the addition of open-source license info in the Dashboard, a more accessible Acrolinx Scorecard, and some enhancements to the User Management API.
[en] Along with the Core Platform release, we've wrapped up a new Sidebar. Version 15 of the Sidebar is coming your way with a new feature. Stay tuned if you're a fan of batch checking.
[en] Of course, we also went bug chasing and fixing.
[en] Acrolinx is built with the help of free and open-source software, but you had no way of knowing. The list of 3rd party open-source licenses used to keep Acrolinx running is available through the Acrolinx Dashboard, too. You can now view the list through the ribbon menu in the Dashboard header. We'll update this list with every Core Platform release starting with 2021.12.
[en] Good news for Targets users: we've improved the English guidance package. We've added highly requested guidelines for Clarity and Consistency to our standard guidance package for English. If you’re using Targets and update your guidance package, some new guidelines might pop up for you to activate.
[en] Is the Scorecard part of your daily checking routine? Then you'll be happy to hear that we've made a couple of improvements to it. In both the Targets and non-Targets Scorecard, we’ve improved accessibility. We've adjusted the color contrast and made several small improvements for screen-reader users.
[en] In addition, we've made the Targets Scorecard easier to use. We display suggestions in bold and provide the source as a URL where applicable.
[en] We’ve improved the sorting functionality for the license type column. If a user has the license type "Named user", you can sort them by license status.
[en] Got too many users? If you want to delete more than one user through our user API, you now can. With bulk deletion, the sky's not the limit–100 is. You can only delete 100 users at a time.
[en] We like to keep things tidy and in order. And you can do this too. It’s now possible to sort your user custom fields through our User API.
[en] Everything needs an update now and then. You can use our User API to request an update of the user custom fields you've defined. This is possible for an individual user or for many users at once.
[en] Sometimes you couldn't add a new user and didn't know why. Acrolinx doesn't allow you to create or edit users that have different privileges than you. This helps make sure that privileges don't get confused. We've improved the messaging around this, so you'll know exactly why you can't create a user.
[en] With the Sidebar 15, we present the brand-new Sidebar batch checking feature. With this feature, you can use the Sidebar to batch check directly in your editing environment. Learn more about how it works in Batch Check Your Content with the Sidebar.
[en] Before you can start, you'll need an Acrolinx Integration that supports batch checking. The first Integrations that will support batch checking in the Sidebar are Acrolinx for Oxygen XML Editor and Oxygen Eclipse versions 2.0.
[en] Log4Shell
[en] Core Platform version 2021.12 contains a Log4j version update to 2.16.0 in order to remediate the Log4Shell (CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046) vulnerabilities without the need for further mitigation steps.
[en] If you're a Cloud customer, you don't need to worry. We’ve already taken the necessary steps to secure your instance.
[en] For Standard Stack, you’ve already received steps to remediate the vulnerability in your current deployment.
[en] There was some trouble when you tried to sign in with Acrolinx for AEM and WordPress. We've fixed this. You can sign in to our Web CMS Integrations as usual.
[en] The redirect link from the classic view to the modern view didn't take you to the Targets section. We've changed this. When you click the redirect link, you'll see the modern view with Targets in a new tab.
[en] We’ve fixed a bug and improved the behavior for altering a specific setting for the Term Browser.
[en] Previously, you could configure the Term Browser to show or hide brackets around the base form of a term. This setting should've applied to all users, but unfortunately it wasn’t working.
[en] If you have the privilege to share terminology filters, you can now configure this in Settings under Global Dashboard Settings. It works as designed. You decide whether all users should see brackets around the base form of a term or not.
[en] On top of that, we've introduced the ability for users to define whether they want to see these brackets or not. That means they can override the global settings. They can do this in the Settings section, and this is accessible to any Dashboard user.
[en] We now deliver default CORS settings in the code. This means there’s no longer a CORS setting in the core server properties file. Instead, a default value takes effect. If you disable CORS in the core server properties file by simply commenting out the cors.allowedOrigin
property, Acrolinx will switch to the new default.
[en] When you disable all CORS settings, you'll need to set the cors.allowedOrigin
property with no value in the core server properties file. To do this, add the following line to the core server properties file: cors.allowedOrigins=
. Learn more about the default settings in Enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
Supported web browsers for access to the Dashboard and Term Browser.
If the Acrolinx Private Cloud isn't an option for you, this is the combination of software that we support for Acrolinx installations. It's tested, supported, and works best in production.
If you run Acrolinx on a combination of these technologies, you can use the Standard Stack releases of the Core Platform.
Acrolinx works best with the software listed in the "Recommended" column, but you can use it with all of the versions listed below.
If you use Standard Stack, you can install RHEL system updates at any time. For all other software, you'll need to use the versions listed.
Standard Stack |
Recommended |
Supported |
Operating System |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 (x64) |
7 |
7 |
Kubernetes Distribution |
K3s |
v1.20.7+k3s1 |
v1.20.7+k3s1 |
Databases |
PostgreSQL |
13 |
13 |
AnmerkungWe've sunsetted support for PostgreSQL 9.6 and PostgreSQL 10 with 2021.12. |
Oracle |
19c (Standard or Enterprise) |
19c (Standard or Enterprise) |
Helm Chart Version |
1.2.10+2021.12 |
1.2.10+2021.12 |
[en] Released 15 November 2021
[en] 2021 might be coming to a close, but that doesn't mean we're putting on the brakes. We've got a cloud release for you that fixes a bug in the Japanese translation of the Sidebar. We've also updated the German and Japanese guidance packages for Targets users. Head over to the guidance package release notes for more details.
[en] As a bonus, there's a new section of the documentation for you to explore.
[en] Good news for Targets users: we've improved the German guidance package. We've added highly requested guidelines for Clarity (Verständlichkeit), Consistency (Einheitlichkeit), and Tone (Ton) to our standard guidance package for German.
[en] New and experienced Acrolinx users alike might need a refresher every now and again. That's why we've created the Acrolinx Walkthrough. This handy tool helps you navigate the wonderful world of Acrolinx–whether you want more background on your setup or wonder how Acrolinx even runs a check.
[en] You might use it to:
[en] Get the lay of the land - Like any good map, the walkthrough helps you orient yourself. You might learn, for example, that the Sidebar you've been using is actually based on something called the Core Platform. You aren't currently an administrator, but you find a few helpful links that clarify how everything works in the Sidebar.
[en] Learn about specific features - You start to notice that the Sidebar isn't catching certain company-specific terms. You remember seeing something about terminology in the walkthrough, so you revisit it. From what you can tell, your company probably needs to import some terms. You contact an administrator to start the process.
[en] Audit existing tools - As part of your role, you also have to manage blog posts from time to time. But when you use the Sidebar to check your posts, their informal tone creates lots of issues. You quickly skim the walkthrough. It turns out that the Target you're using probably isn't designed for checking blog content.
[en] Plan changes - Before you set up a new Target, you think it might be a good idea to address recurring issues that you've noticed on your site. You know that Acrolinx Analytics might be helpful, but you're not sure if it offers the data you need. You look back at the walkthrough to get your bearings. Just as you suspected, Analytics can help you identify recurring issues.
[en] When you set the checking language to Japanese in the Sidebar, the quotation mark tags didn't render correctly. Instead of「 and 」, you saw " and ". This small hiccup might not have been a showstopper, but it certainly wasn't correct. Now, you'll see the right quotation characters when your checking language is Japanese.
[en] Released 11 October 2021
[en] The spooky season is here, but this release isn't scary at all.
[en] This one comes with added clarity on blocked Scorecards. On top of that, we've fixed a bug in the Words and Phrases goal of the Targets Scorecard.
[en] When you tried to open a Scorecard that you didn't create or have the privilege to view, you might've gotten some mixed messages. Our help text was a little misleading and included an outdated link. We've cleared this up for you. Now, if you can't access a Scorecard, you'll have a better sense of why.
[en] Now, you see you don't. By some sleight of hand, you couldn't see deprecated variants of preferred terms in the “Deprecated” tab of a Targets Scorecard. This happened when you sorted by "Term" in the Words and Phrases goal. But when you ordered terms by "Occurrence", your terms would be right back where they belonged. This wasn't a ghost but a bug. So, we've fixed it. You'll now see deprecated variants in the “Deprecated” tab when you sort by "Term" in the Words and Phrases goal.
[en] Released 13 September 2021
[en] Time to say goodbye to summer. But not without our September release. Read on for some improvements and bug fixes.
[en] As a Standard Stack user, you might've missed the Configuration Properties page in the Dashboard. We heard you! The Configuration Properties page is available for the built-in user admin again.
[en] We don't like it when you have to grope in the dark, especially when we can shine more light onto something. So, we've decided to give you more information. When you load the classic view of the Acrolinx Dashboard through a reverse proxy with single sign-on (SSO), you now get a shiny message about your connection status. It looks like this:
[en] The Sidebar cards and Analytics shine in every color of the rainbow! These colors help you to identify the goals that your issues relate to. But the Words and Phrases goal was displayed in pink instead of blue. As much as we like pink, it led to some confusion. We've given Words and Phrases a fresh coat of paint. Whether you're looking at your Sidebar or Analytics, you'll see it in a shade of blue. Learn more about the color coding of the Sidebar cards in The Sidebar Card Guide.
[en] But, watch out! For this, you need to have Core Platform version 2021.09 or later and an updated Guidance Package. If you update your Core Platform without updating your Guidance Package, there will be a color mismatch between Analytics and the Sidebar. Contact Support if you need help with getting an updated guidance package.
[en] There was an issue where Acrolinx didn't exclude terms in specific contexts from your check. For a small subset of contexts, this meant that Acrolinx highlighted terms in the Words and Phrases goal even though it should've ignored them. We took care of this. Acrolinx will exclude terms based on the configuration of the Target.
[en] We usually don't scream at each other, but you might have other reasons to write in all caps. In rare cases, Acrolinx didn't highlight all-uppercase terms as spelling issues even when there was an actual issue. That's fixed now. ALL GOOD!
Supported web browsers for access to the Dashboard and Term Browser.
If the Acrolinx Private Cloud isn't an option for you, this is the combination of software that we support for Acrolinx installations. It's tested, supported, and works best in production.
If you run Acrolinx on a combination of these technologies, you can use the Standard Stack releases of the Core Platform.
Acrolinx works best with the software listed in the "Recommended" column, but you can use it with all of the versions listed below.
If you use Standard Stack, you can install RHEL system updates at any time. For all other software, you'll need to use the versions listed.
Standard Stack |
Recommended |
Supported |
Operating System |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 (x64) |
7 |
7 |
Kubernetes Distribution |
K3s |
v1.20.7+k3s1 |
v1.20.7+k3s1 |
Databases |
PostgreSQL |
13 |
9.6, 10, and 13 |
AnmerkungWe'll sunset support for PostgreSQL 9.6 and PostgreSQL 10 with 2021.12. |
Oracle |
19c (Standard or Enterprise) |
19c (Standard or Enterprise) |
Helm Chart Version |
1.1.10+2021.09 |
1.1.10+2021.09 |
[en] Released 17 August 2021
[en] This month's release is short and sweet.
[en] We found a couple of bugs that needed fixing, so we've taken care of them for you.
[en] When you tried to share a term filter with Targets, the Term Browser didn't always play nice. Sometimes you thought you'd shared a filter, but you got an error message when you tried to use it. Because it wasn't shared, Acrolinx couldn't check the terminology that you added to your Words and Phrases goal. But you don't have to worry about this anymore! The next time you try to share a filter with Targets, everything should work as expected.
[en] We're fans of customizability, but in some cases custom fields would steal the spotlight completely. When a custom field was especially long, it would throw off the UI in the "User Information" section of the Dashboard Settings page. We've taken care of this. You won't run into any UI hiccups the next time you try to add a long custom field.
[en] Released 13 July 2021
[en] Need a quick break from soaking up the sun? Read on to see what we've been working on.
[en] This time around, we've added the document details heading back to the Scorecard. Plus, you can now customize the order of your sign-in buttons when you use multiple IdPs. We've also fixed a few bugs in the Dashboard and Scorecard.
[en] If you use multiple IdPs you can now choose the order of your sign-in buttons on the sign-in screen. Contact Acrolinx Support to get started.
[en] When you deleted a user in the past, the filters they owned didn't get deleted. Instead, the filters continued to exist but no one could edit or delete them. This also made it tough to create a similar filter for an active user because you couldn't reuse the deleted user's filter names. We've improved this. The next time you remove a user, Acrolinx will also delete the filters that the user owns.
[en] When you tried to look at the charts and detail links on the Content Analysis dashboard, some of them didn't show results. We've fixed this. You can now see the relevant checking data in all charts and detail links.
[en] When you used Core Platform versions 2021.04 to 2021.06 with CCMS integrations like AEM or Drupal, you couldn't always open your Scorecard. This isn't the case anymore. The next time you try to open a Scorecard in one of these integrations, you'll have no problems.
[en] In rare cases, the Acrolinx Dashboard opened to an empty page. You could only view it after a refresh. We've fixed this so that the Dashboard displays as intended when you open it.
[en] Sometimes when you tried to sign in to an Acrolinx Integration via External Authentication, you had to click the sign-in button twice. There might've even been cases where you had to sign in twice before you could use an integration. You don't have to worry about this. When you try to sign in again, it'll work as expected.
Supported web browsers for access to the Dashboard and Term Browser.
If the Acrolinx Private Cloud isn't an option for you, this is the combination of software that we support for Acrolinx installations. It's tested, supported, and works best in production.
If you run Acrolinx on a combination of these technologies, you can use the Standard Stack releases of the Core Platform.
Acrolinx works best with the software listed in the "Recommended" column, but you can use it with all of the versions listed below.
If you use Standard Stack, you can install RHEL system updates at any time. For all other software, you'll need to use the versions listed.
Standard Stack |
Recommended |
Supported |
Operating System |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 (x64) |
7 |
7 |
Kubernetes Distribution |
K3s |
v1.20.7+k3s1 |
v1.20.7+k3s1 |
Databases |
PostgreSQL |
13 |
9.6, 10, and 13 |
Oracle |
19c (Standard or Enterprise) |
19c (Standard or Enterprise) |
Helm Chart Version |
1.1.6+2021.07 |
1.1.6+2021.07 |
[en] Released 21 June 2021
[en] It's finally summertime in some parts of the world, and we're here for it!
[en] Along with these summer vibes, we're bringing you some features and improvements. Think a new User Management API and the return of the guidance wizard.
[en] Want to set up a fully automated user management solution? Our new User Management API can help. It consists of the User API and Roles API endpoints and lets you integrate the Acrolinx Platform into your existing user management infrastructure. You can use it to read, create, update, and delete users. Check out the Acrolinx Platform API documentation to learn more.
[en] The guidance wizard can now do its magic with Targets enabled. We've also made a few updates.
[en] You can now use it to configure a lot more guidance! Along with the standard grammar and style guidance, for example, you can also tailor guidance across all goals. Head over to our documentation for more information.
[en] If you didn't switch to Targets because of the missing Guidance Wizard, now's your chance to transition. Reach out to your customer success manager to get started.
[en] Previously, the issue cards in the Sidebar showed the same required/recommended status as their corresponding goals. While you can usually assume that all issues will have the same status as the overarching goal, this isn't always true. In some cases, a specific issue within a goal can have a different status. For example, analysis issues can be a part of "required" goals, but the analysis issues themselves never count toward the score — they're always "recommended". To account for this, we show the status of the issues themselves. Analysis issues, for example, are now clearly labeled as "recommended".
[en] Before Targets, you could always add the name of a writing guide or Checking Profile to the Dashboard section Content Profiles > Criteria > Advanced. This was a problem with Targets enabled, because there wasn't a place to add the name of your Target. We've changed this. When you use Acrolinx with Targets, you'll now see "Target" in place of "Checking Profile / Writing Guide".
[en] This is only possible when you use federated authentication with an Acrolinx Private Cloud instance. To get started with this feature, contact Acrolinx Support.
[en] You might want different departments within your company to sign in with different identity providers (IdPs). This is especially useful if you have contract employees. Until now, you couldn't use more than one IdP with the Core Platform. So, we've added support for up to 5 IdPs.
[en] When you tried to navigate to a details table in the Guidance Overview dashboard, you might've ended up with an empty table. We've fixed this. You'll now see summary information for the goal you clicked when you open a Details table.
[en] You might've only seen results for the Clarity goal when you reviewed your Score Roll-Up dashboard. This is no longer the case. No matter which goals you check with, you can now see all of the corresponding results in the Score Roll-up Analytics dashboard.
[en] When you wanted to assign Targets to your content contributors, you could do so based on any custom field. This shouldn't have been possible, so we've fixed it. You can now assign Targets based on a role, username, or custom field set to "List".
[en] On rare occasions, the Core Platform would crash when you used certain invalid XML characters. We've fixed this. The XML characters no longer trigger a crash.
[en] If you use external authentication, you might've gotten stuck in a loop when you tried to grant access to an application after sign-in. Sometimes, you'd get sent back to the sign-in screen repeatedly. We've fixed this. You won't have to sign in again after you grant an application access to your Acrolinx account.
[en] In some cases, you couldn't completely sign out of the Sidebar. When you signed out and signed in again, you'd see a message on the browser access confirmation page that said "You're already signed in as <username>. To switch accounts, sign out". We've fixed this. The next time you sign out of the Sidebar and try to sign back in, it'll work as expected.
[en] It's been a while since we've changed the Acrolinx Findability UI, so you'll see a few updates. The "Discovered Keywords" and "Target Keywords" have new icons, and we've given the keyword card an updated look.
[en] We've adjusted the minimum session timeout for the Acrolinx Dashboard and the Term Contributor. You'll now need to set the timeout to at least 2 minutes. If your current custom setting is below 2 minutes, it'll automatically change to 2 minutes with 2021.06. The default session timeout setting is still 30 minutes.
[en] Released 27 May 2021
[en] This release is very exciting, especially for Standard Stack users!
[en] We’ve introduced a novel approach to the on-premise hosting of the Acrolinx Platform. The 2021.05 Core Platform will rely on a containerized deployment model. This helps us make sure that you can use current and future innovations like Targets and Inclusive Language if you don't have Acrolinx Private Cloud.
[en] Cloud customers can also join the excitement. We've tidied up quite a few sections of the Dashboard. Of course, we've also included improvements and bug fixes that are important for both Cloud and Standard Stack. So read on, whoever you are!
[en] Acrolinx Standard Stack now relies on a containerized deployment model. This means you'll see some changes to the installation process and Core Platform setup.
[en] However, this is your chance to get the best out of Acrolinx. Contact Acrolinx Support to get your hands on 2021.05. We’ll help you determine when and how best to use it.
[en] While you're here, check out our Compatibility Guide and our brand new Standard Stack documentation. There's a lot to explore in our system requirementsand our installation guide. To make things easier for you, we've added the Oracle JDBC driver to our deployments.
[en] Instead of loading all Targets/languages into memory at once, we now use stream handling to merge new and existing data when you use Targets . This uses less memory, so you don't need to worry about memory issues when you have a large number of Targets.
[en] The default DITA Content Profile that came with guidance packages before 2021.05 didn't show the name of the topic location in the Acrolinx Sidebar. However, with the release of 2021.05 you can now see the location of the issue, so you can manually change it.
[en] From 2021.05, any guidance packages will include a default DITA Content Profile that Acrolinx uses to check the name of the topic location. So, you can keep an eye on everything. If you’re using a Core Platform version before 2021.05, you'll need to make a little tweak if you have customized DITA Content Profiles. Follow the steps in Acrolinx for Oxygen - What You Can Check to get started.
[en] With our switch to a containerized deployment, the Server ID no longer had any useful information. That's why we’ve removed the Server ID from the overview of servers table in the Servers section.
[en] Since they aren't useful for most scenarios, we've removed the Stop all servers button from the servers overview and the Stop server button from the individual server pages. As a Standard Stack user, you might need to stop or restart the Core Platform in rare cases. Learn how to button up those situations without the buttons.
[en] Ever looked at the Performance Monitoring section in the Acrolinx Dashboard? No? Neither have we. With the launch of our containerized deployment method, we jumped at the chance to remove a few little-used Dashboard sections. Now, less is more in the Maintenance section.
[en] As we mentioned, less is more. If you're a fan of advanced configurations, you might miss the Configuration Properties in the Maintenance section of the Acrolinx Dashboard. We've removed it to adapt to our containerized deployment. But don't worry, we've got you covered! Cloud customers, you can reach out to our Support Team directly for any special configurations. If you're a Standard Stack user, you can still change configuration properties settings manually through the overlay. No need to panic, we’ve only removed the UI.
[en] With the big cleanup, we've removed two rarely used advanced terminology configuration features. These features are the ability to localize categories, list items, and field names and to view term search logging. We also did this to make the containerization of the platform possible.
[en] We've changed the availability of reporting database backups created via the Database Backups page in Analytics. If you create a backup, make sure to download and save it immediately. Once you restart the Core Platform, the backup won’t be available. Same goes for any uploaded backups. After you upload a backup, make sure you restore it immediately. Uploaded backups won’t be available once you restart the Core Platform. Visit Analytics and Reporting Database Backups for more information.
[en] If you use Standard Stack, you can no longer edit the threshold.xml
file via <INSTALL_DIR>\server\www\xsl
. Don't worry, it's still possible to overlay this file to access the thresholds features in non-Targets mode. To do this, just create a new version of the file in an overlay in your configuration directory.
[en] You might've seen our 404 page more than usual. Even though we're fond of our new design, we prefer that Acrolinx displays the information you're looking for. We've fixed this so you get all the information you need.
[en] There were several minor issues in the Status Details table, which you'll find linked from the Trends, Content Comparison, and Content Alignment dashboards. Some headers went missing, and the first rows of the table were empty. We caught the little runaways and brought them back to the table.
[en] There were two bugs in the Guidance Overview dashboard in Analytics. The parameter that defined the time scope of the dashboard was set to the beginning of the year. It should've been set to the beginning of the current month to ensure that the dashboard loads faster. There was also an issue where two charts in the Guidance Overview dashboard were always empty. You only saw this in the 2021.03 and 2021.04 releases. We've fixed both bugs, so you can view everything in the Guidance Overview dashboard as intended.
[en] In the past few Acrolinx versions, XML term filters in non-Targets mode didn't resolve in a containerized setup. We've fixed this. You can now use XML term filters again in non-Targets mode. Reminder: we've deprecated XML term filters with the Targets launch! Instead, you can use the term filter setup.
Supported web browsers for access to the Dashboard and Term Browser.
If the Acrolinx Private Cloud isn't an option for you, this is the combination of software that we support for Acrolinx installations. It's tested, supported, and works best in production.
If you run Acrolinx on a combination of these technologies, you can use the Standard Stack releases of the Core Platform.
Acrolinx works best with the software listed in the "Recommended" column, but you can use it with all of the versions listed below.
If you use Standard Stack, you can install RHEL system updates at any time. For all other software, you'll need to use the versions listed.
Standard Stack |
Recommended |
Supported |
Operating System |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 (x64) |
7 |
7 |
Kubernetes Distribution |
K3s |
v1.20.7+k3s1 |
v1.20.7+k3s1 |
Databases |
PostgreSQL |
9.6 |
9.6 and 10 |
Oracle |
19c (Standard or Enterprise) |
19c (Standard or Enterprise) |
Helm Chart Version |
1.1.5+2021.05 |
1.1.5+2021.05 |
[en] Released 19 April 2021
[en] Spring has officially sprung!
[en] To celebrate the season of renewal, we've breathed new life into the Dashboard sign-in UI. We've also taken care of a couple of bugs that popped up.
[en] When you used Targets mode previously, you had to share term filters with the Term Browser to add them to your Words and Phrases goal. We've changed this. You can now choose to share term filters with the Term Browser, with Targets, or with both.
[en] To find this option, go to Terminology > Search Filter and click the actions menu.
[en] The Content Analysis dashboard lets you view the Guideline Details, Issues by Goal, and Content Analysis by Goals charts, but you couldn't filter them by goals or categories. We've improved this. You can now filter these charts by goal or category to take a closer look at the issues in your content.
[en] Sometimes, the style of the "Administrative Login" button was a little misleading. That's why we’ve improved the UI of our sign-in screen when you use federated authentication. We made the administrative sign-in less prominent, but the added help icon makes clear who should use it. While we were at it, we updated the "sign-in" button to better match our color scheme. You'll see this on the Dashboard, Term Browser, and Term Contribution sign-in pages.
[en] When you export and import terminology between systems, fields don't always get mapped correctly. This can make some IDs look a little funny when you import them to Acrolinx. The good news? We've added a style sheet to help with this! The “Non-numeric IDs” style sheet helps you find terms with broken IDs. This style sheet will be available in all guidance packages from this release forward Learn more about managing terminology data with Acrolinx..
[en] Lost in translation? Some terms in Targets only appeared in English. We've fixed this. You can now see all menu items in your selected interface language.
[en] Released 15 March 2021
[en] This release may look like a tiny one, but it comes with increased security. We've also provided some bug fixes that you simply can't say no to.
[en] You can no longer guess the URL of a term import log. This makes things more secure, especially when you don't use an access token to secure your log downloads.
[en] We've updated the Current Avg. Acrolinx Score in the Trends dashboard to more closely match the averages in the Trends chart. Now, you'll always see the average Acrolinx Score for the current month instead of a cumulative average.
[en] You'll still see a cumulative average Acrolinx Score on the Content Alignment dashboard, so we've updated the label to make that clear.
[en] When you edited a role, you'd only see the "Dashboard" privilege group for a short time before it closed and you couldn't expand it again. This happened when you selected the "Edit Targets" privilege. We've fixed this. Now, you can see and expand the "Dashboard" privilege group without any issues.
[en] You might've had some trouble with popup blockers when you tried to navigate between the classic and modern views of the Acrolinx Dashboard. We've fixed this, so you can smoothly navigate between both views.
[en] A few pesky bugs in the Targets Scorecard affected the styling and ordering of guidance. The Scorecard you get when you have Targets enabled is pretty and works as expected.
[en] We've also fixed a link in the request validator, so you can now open the XML Scorecard from the Request Validator.
[en] Released 16 February 2021
[en] Welcome to our first release of 2021!
[en] This release is a special one, since it lets you get started with our new feature Targets. Targets make it easier for you to set up Acrolinx for your content. It’s a new section of the Dashboard where you define your content goals depending on your audience or content type. If you’ve been managing Acrolinx guidance with Checking and Guidance Profiles, the concepts behind Targets will be familiar to you. Targets just make it much easier to manage and tune your guidance to your content needs.
[en] It takes a few steps to get started with Targets. But you aren’t alone! Reach out to your customer success manager to schedule your update.
[en] You create a Target to tell Acrolinx what type of guidance you want for a particular type of content. A Target is made up of goals. A goal is an aspect of language that you want Acrolinx to focus on, and they replace the Acrolinx categories. Each Target can have one or more goals. As a start, we’ve created 7 goals for you to choose from when you set a Target. Each goal contains the Acrolinx guidelines. We've arranged the guidelines into logical guideline groups to make them easier to find. Each goal also comes with some presets. In many cases, you can use the presets and get started right away. You can also tweak all guidelines to your specific needs.
[en] Read on in our brand new Targets documentation! This is where you'll find all the information you need to Create and Edit Targets and Get Started With Goals.
[en] Targets bring you the guidance you've waited for! When updating to Targets, you’ll have access to new guidance for Inclusive Language and Scannability. Both are goals that you can set in a Target.
[en] Inclusive Language - It's about more than just avoiding offensive terms. Do you know the history, connotation, and effect of your words? Do they align with your brand, values, and readers? Choose between different types of inclusive language with this new guidance. Learn more in Inclusive Language.
[en] Scannability - Structure your content so readers can find and understand the main points quickly. When you add titles, subtitles, lists, and images, your content is eye-catching and easy to read. Acrolinx helps you to keep a clear and consistent structure. Learn more in Scannability.
[en] Targets serve the same purpose as Checking Profiles (called Guidance Profiles in the Sidebar) and Writing Guides. Now, it's just easier for you to manage and tune your guidance.
[en] Checking Profiles - Acrolinx used to differentiate between different content types with Checking Profiles. A Checking Profile brought together all the settings that you might need to check a certain type of content. Now, you set Targets for different content types. The idea is the same, but all the options are in one place, making it easier to manage.
[en] Tone of Voice - We've divided Tone of Voice into 2 separate goals. The guidelines for Conversational Tone are now in the goal Tone, and the guidelines for Clarity are now in the goal Clarity.
[en] Terminology and Term Sets - The configuration of terms hasn’t changed. You still navigate to the Terminology section in the Dashboard to manage your terms. But you can use your term filters directly in your Targets. With the goal Words and Phrases, you set your terminology for a Target.
[en] Checking Profile assignment - As with Checking Profiles, you need to make sure that the right writers are using a Target. With Target Assignment, you can grant access to different Targets.
[en] Guidelines - The individual guidelines haven’t changed. Within each goal, you can choose an existing guideline settings preset, or you can tailor your guidelines by creating a custom preset. Visit Fine-tune your Goals for more insights.
[en] The Sidebar - To make the transition smoother for your writers, we didn’t change too much in the Sidebar. The Sidebar will still look a bit different with Targets, so find out more in The Sidebar Card Guide and Choose Your Guidance.
[en] The Scorecard - The Scorecard will basically stay the same, but you'll see a few differences if you check content with Targets enabled. See Scorecard Essentials to learn more.
[en] Acrolinx Analytics - Some Analytics dashboards display data based on Writing Guides and Acrolinx categories. If you have Targets enabled, these dashboards will be based on Targets and goals. We've updated the relevant Acrolinx Analytics Dashboards documentation to guide you through the changes.
[en] Targets also come with a fresh, new look. We’re currently overhauling the Acrolinx Dashboard UI, and Targets is the first section to live in the modern view. Once you've updated to Targets, you can navigate between the classic and modern views of the Acrolinx Dashboard — without the need to sign in separately. The modern view is responsive across all supported browsers to give you a quality user experience in various desktop screen resolutions. Be on the lookout for more section makeovers throughout the year.
[en] News regarding our inline tutorials! You might've already noticed that we’ve changed a few things when it comes to our inline tutorial. To make the inline tutorials compatible with the modern view of the dashboard, we’ve moved the inline tutorial icon to the bottom-left side of the Acrolinx dashboard. We’ve also updated the color of the icon to make it all nice and shiny! Unfortunately, we also needed to change the display behavior. The inline tutorials are now only visible on screens that are wider than 1200px. If you’re using a smaller screen device, you can't see the tutorials.
[en] We've added a built-in user for automatic terminology integrations that use the terminology API or the Term Transfer Tool. The termapiaccess
user is for use with the Terminology API if API Token or federated authentication isn't possible. This user has the role “Terminology API Access“, which comes with permissions to access API-based terminology applications, sign in to the Dashboard, view and edit terms, change the status of a term, import and export terms, and restore and create database backups.
[en] Was my username upper case? Maybe lower case? It shouldn't matter. Even so, you couldn't always sign in to the Acrolinx Dashboard due to different casing for usernames. More specifically, this happened when you used PingFederate authentication to sign in. We've fixed this, so you no longer have to worry about whether your username is case-sensitive.
[en] Acrolinx has started to phase out support for most of the guidance settings options. The majority of them found a new home in Targets, others won't be available anymore. Reach out to your Acrolinx contact if you have any questions, or visit our Sunset Policy for more specific details.
[en] Starting in 2021.02, we’ll drop dashboard support for Internet Explorer 11 due to low popularity and industry trends.
[en] 2021.02 will be the final release that supports Internet Explorer 11. After this release, we'll support Internet Explorer 11 for 18 months. This will apply to the 2021.02 release and to previously released versions.
[en] Classic releases will continue to support Internet Explorer 11 during their 18-month support window.
[en] Visit our Product Sunset Policy for more information.