When you run a batch check with Acrolinx, you can open the Content Analysis dashboard to see the overall quality of the content that you've checked.
You can adjust the available charts and filter the web reports that open when you click on the Detail Links. If you want to know how, see our Analytics Dashboards Tutorial.
With the addition of Targets, the detail links section looks a little different. Now, you’ll see Targets detail links and Classic detail links. Use Detail Links (Targets) if you check with Targets and Detail Links (Classic) if you check with Guidance Profiles.
Some filter options aren’t available in the Content Analysis dashboard. In tables, click on a header to sort.
Chart Title |
Description |
Average Acrolinx Score |
Acrolinx Score that is the average score of all included content. |
Overview |
See the Acrolinx Score for each document and compare it to the target score. The table also displays the total number of issues and words checked in the document. TipClick on the file name to open the Scorecard in a new tab. |
Content Analysis Goals |
See the average goal score and how many issues Acrolinx found for each goal. |
Issues by Goal |
Get a quick overview of which goals had the most issues. |
Guideline Details |
View the top issues by guideline. You can filter by clicking the legend in the Issues by Goal chart. |
You can also open more detailed web reports. You'll see standard detail links, Targets links, and classic links.
Detail Links |
Description |
Table View |
Open a web report to see your results broken down in a table. |
Guideline Overview |
Open a table that shows you the frequency of every guideline. |
Acrolinx Score Distribution |
See the distribution of Acrolinx Scores in a bar chart. The Acrolinx Scores are defined in ranges on the x-axis. The numbers of checks (check count) are on the y-axis. |
Goal Score Distribution |
See how the Scores are distributed per goal. The goal scores are defined in ranges on the x-axis. The numbers of checks per goal (check count) are on the y-axis. For example, you can see how Style scored compared to Scannability. |
If you ran your check with Targets enabled, use these links to see a more detailed web report for each goal.
Detail Links |
Description |
Table View |
Open a web report to see your results broken down in a table. |
Correctness Details |
Have a closer look at how often Acrolinx found correctness issues, and see where the issues occurred. |
Correctness Details - Spelling |
Focus on the spelling issues that Acrolinx found for the goal Correctness, and see where the issues occurred. |
Consistency Details |
See how often Acrolinx found consistency issues, and find out where the issues occurred. |
Clarity Details |
Look at how often Acrolinx found clarity issues, and see where the issues occurred. |
Inclusive Language Details |
Have a closer look at how often Acrolinx found inclusive language issues, and see where the issues occurred. |
Tone Details |
See how often found issues related to the Tone goal, and find out where the issues occurred. |
Words and Phrases |
Focus on the issues that Acrolinx found for the Words and Phrases goal, and see where the issues occurred. |
If you haven't enabled Targets, use these links to view a detailed web report for each category.
Detail Links |
Description |
Table View |
Open a web report to see your results broken down in a table. |
Guideline Overview |
Open a table that shows you the frequency of every guideline and issue. |
Guideline Details |
See how often Acrolinx found guideline issues, and view these issues in their context. |
Spelling Details |
Have a closer look at how often Acrolinx found spelling issues, and view these issues in their context. |
Terminology Details |
Find out how often Acrolinx found terminology issues, and see where they occurred. |