Content groups let you create logical collections of your content that reflect how you think about your projects. For example, you might want to group all the content published on your blog or all the content from your marketing department.
You can then view and compare aggregated metrics by content group.
Define your content group using a range of criteria, such as, department or language.
Every document can only be in ONE content group. If a document matches the criteria of more than one content group, Acrolinx includes it in the content group that’s higher up in the content group list. You can change the content group positioning according to your needs.
You can use content groups to classify checks by category, such as blogs, product marketing texts, or item descriptions for an e-shop. Acrolinx identifies which document belongs to which content group by the path and name that the integration sends. You can then track content groups in Acrolinx Analytics, for example in the Content Alignment, Business Value, and Checking Activity dashboards.
How Acrolinx calculates the baseline and records the checks for a Content Group
Acrolinx calculates the average Acrolinx Score for a month based on the last check results. It doesn't matter if you ran the last check in the same month or earlier.
For example, the content group SHOP in the chart above shows the average Acrolinx Score in March as 77, these are the values that Acrolinx uses to calculate the score:
80 - The last check of Item 1, performed in February.
85 - The last check of Item 2, performed in March.
65 - The last and only check of Item 3, performed in February.
For each content group, you can set a baseline range with a start and end time. The average Acrolinx Score of all checks for that content group within that period becomes the baseline. Acrolinx only includes content that was checked after the start time you've set.
In the chart above, you can see that the time period set for the content group PRODUCT MARKETING is highlighted purple. Only the Acrolinx Scores within that highlighted area are taken into account for the baseline.
You can create content groups in the Analytics settings section. You define each content group by different criteria.
For example, to create a Product Marketing content group, you can choose the Product Marketing Writing Guide as the criteria for defining your content group. Make sure that the criteria you choose match the existing content or content that's going to be created.
To create a content group, follow these steps:
Navigate to Reporting > Analytics settings > Content groups.
to add a content group.
Enter a name.
Set a Target Score if you want to aim for a certain Acrolinx Score for this content group. This helps you to compare the achieved score with your goal.
Choose one or more criteria:
Choose your criteria carefully, since later changes only apply to new checks. If you change your criteria later, you might need to run a batch check on the content in that content group.
User > Role is a list of Acrolinx user roles.
Custom user information lists the custom user fields that you've defined in the Custom fields section. For more information on custom fields, see the article on Analytics custom fields.
Document > Path is a regular expression of a path to a folder on a file system or a web resource.
Examples of Document Paths
Regular Expression
All documents ending with ".docx".
All documents from a web resource (starting with http: or https: ).
All web documents from a certain domain (in this example
All documents containing a certain subpath.
Example for a Windows subpath:
Example for a POSIX subpath:
When you use regular expressions, bear in mind that you need to use the syntax for Java-style regular expressions. If you're not sure if the expression you want to use is valid, you can easily test it with this Java Regular Expression Tester.
Custom Document Information > Name is a list of content types you've defined in your custom fields.
Guidance > The criterion you see here depends on if you use style guides. You can either have:
Writing Guide or Checking Profile is a list of all the writing guides and Checking Profiles that you've set up on your Acrolinx Platform.
Style guide is a list of all the style guides that you've set up on your Acrolinx Platform.
Guidance > Language is a list of all the languages available to Acrolinx.
The content group is initially empty — content that matches your criteria is added to the group with the next check. If needed, you can run a batch check to include all content at once. You can use the Content Analyzer or the CLI to run a set of checks.
The content groups that you create aren’t retroactive and only include content that's checked from the creation date forward.
Check only content group content
When you've created one or more content groups, you can prevent checks on content that doesn't belong to a content group.
To do so just select Prevent checks on content that doesn't belong to a content group.
When the check box is ticked, Acrolinx won't run any checks on content that doesn't match the criteria of a content group. Writers will get a message stating why Acrolinx won't perform a check.
Set a baseline
After you've added some content to a group (by running some checks) you can set a baseline, to analyze the group for a selected time period. To set a baseline for your content group, follow the steps in the section below.
A content group's baseline is the average Acrolinx Score of all the content in a content group for the selected period. You can change the time period that you select for your baseline, and calculate a new baseline for that content group. Note that you can only set a baseline for content that you've checked already.
To set a baseline, follow these steps:
Select a start date and an end date. Make sure that the dates you select are somewhere between the creation date of the content group and the current date.
Content groups only include content that's checked from the day you create the Content group. We can't calculate the baseline from a time before you added the content to the Content group.