Make sure you're familiar with how to configure and run the CLI. We assume that your project already contains a CLI configuration file like .cli-config.json
The Acrolinx CLI GitHub repository contains a working example package.json. We further assume that you've installed NodeJS and npm already.
The following use case only an example. We don’t recommend that you follow it step by step, especially if you want to use it in a different environment. For more information about CLI use cases, contact your Acrolinx consultant.
If you use further tools to process XUnit style test results, you just have to add the result-junit
option (already set in CLI config file), and collect the test results:
acrolinx-cli -c .cli-config.json check
To make the build fail in case of issues in your files, we provide a node script to analyze the results: test-result.js.
The script needs to be referenced in the package.json:
"scripts": { "acrolinx-check": "acrolinx-cli -c .cli-config.json check", "preacrolinx": "npm run acrolinx-check", "acrolinx": "node scripts/test-result.js" }
You can start an Acrolinx check by running:
npm run acrolinx
If you want to check your file before a build starts, you can reference the script as pre
"prebuild": "npm run acrolinx",
The script will be executed each time you run:
npm run build
Example output of npm run acrolinx
C:\github\cli-demo>npm run acrolinx > cli-demo@0.0.1 preacrolinx C:\github\cli-demo > npm run acrolinx-check > cli-demo@0.0.1 acrolinx-check C:\github\cli-demo > acrolinx-cli -c .cli-config.json check Batch ID: gen.cli.d6a60240-2b07-11e9-a4a9-05449bbe020a You're signed in as "baseline-cli". Check completed for: C:\github\cli-demo\samples\ Check completed for: C:\github\cli-demo\samples\test.txt Check completed for: C:\github\cli-demo\ Check completed for: Find the Content Analysis Dashboard here: > cli-demo@0.0.1 acrolinx C:\github\cli-demo > node scripts/test-result.js Analyzing Acrolinx Results: ../results/result.json 54 (red) C:\github\cli-demo\samples\ ( 70 (yellow) C:\github\cli-demo\samples\test.txt ( 73 (yellow) ( Acrolinx: Please correct 3 files. npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 1 npm ERR! cli-demo@0.0.1 acrolinx: `node scripts/test-result.js` npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the cli-demo@0.0.1 acrolinx script. npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above. npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_logs\2019-02-06T18_40_34_394Z-debug.log