To contribute a term, you must first sign in as a term contributor. Your Acrolinx administrator should have provided you with sign-in details and the appropriate role required to contribute terms.
Go to the Acrolinx sign-in page. If you're not sure how to access the page read on in Sign In to Acrolinx.
To sign in, follow these steps:
Sign in with your password and username or via external authentication.
Navigate to Contribute a term in the menu.
To contribute a new term, follow these steps:
Sign in and navigate to Contribute a term.
Select a Domain. Not sure which domain to select? Learn more about domains.
Select a language for your term.
Optional: Add an example sentence or a comment.
Click Submit. If the submission is successful, you'll get the Term Submitted page.
If you want to return to the term contribution page, you can select Submit Another Term.
By default, all contributed terms have the status proposed in the Terminology section. Terminologists, subject-matter experts, and technical editors normally review proposed terms.
You can use comments to provide additional information on a proposed term or explain why a term should be included in the terminology database. Or use comments to discuss the validation of existing terms with other users. You can add multiple comments to the same term, and each comment might have up to 3000 characters.
You can add comments to new terms via the Comments field on the term contribution page.
You must have a role with the privilege Add comments to existing terms.
To add an additional comment to an existing term, follow these steps:
Sign in and open the Term trowser in your preferred view.
Search for the term you want to edit.
Open the term help. In the COMMENTS tab, click ADD COMMENT.
The ADD COMMENT link may look different depending on how your administrator has configured your term help template.
Enter your comment in the text box.
(Optional) Activate the checkbox Request review so that your terminologist can easily find your new comment.
If the Request review option isn’t available, your Acrolinx admin can configure the Process status field to include the status review requested.
Click Submit.