The Acrolinx Sidebar makes it easy for you to create amazing content. As you write, Acrolinx shows you how to tune your content for your audience with just a few clicks. When Acrolinx finds some issues, you'll get the results as cards in the Sidebar. Each Sidebar card offers you guidance, but you can decide what to do with each issue.
For each issue, Acrolinx displays a colored card. The colors help you to identify the different issue types at a glance.
Depending on what goals are in your style guide, you might see the following colors:
Here’s what you can do with most of the Sidebar cards:
Action |
Description |
Highlight the issue in your content. |
To see the issue highlighted in your content, click the title of the issue in the Sidebar card. |
View your options. |
To see your options, click on the three dots on the right side of the card. |
Select a replacement. |
The replacements Acrolinx suggests appear in green. To insert a suggestion that fits, click it. If there are more than three replacements provided, click To help you with your decision, you'll see a check mark You'll only see these icons if there are any preferred or admitted terms that relate to your issue. |
Replace all. |
To replace all occurrences of the issue with the replacement you want, select the option Replace all occurrences and click the fitting suggestion. |
Ignore an issue. |
To temporarily ignore the issue and remove the card from the list, click the |
Ignore an issue in the whole document. |
If you want to temporarily ignore all identical occurrences of the issue, click the |
Contribute a term. |
You can send a term to the terminology database. To contribute a term, hover over the card and click the arrow icon. A comment field will open where you can enter why you want to include this term in the database. |
Add a term to a permanent spelling exception list. |
You can add the term as a permanent spelling exception so that it won't show up as a spelling issue again. You'll only see this option for spelling issues. There are three different lists of spelling exceptions. You might not see all of them if your Acrolinx administrator has disabled some lists.
Get more information. |
The cards often provide a helpful explanation of the found issue. For more details, you can click MORE INFORMATION. Alternatively, you can hover over the card and click the info icon |
See the issue location |
Sometimes the cards in the Sidebar show you where to find the issue in your content. In the example to the left, the spelling issues are in a list and a table respectively. This helps you to locate issues faster. |
Follow requirements or recommendations. |
You might notice the icons Required Whether a goal is required or recommended depends on the goal you’re checking with. If a Sidebar card shows a suggestion or guideline as required, the issue will affect the score. Recommended cards are quite literally a recommendation. You can see the guidance, but it won’t count toward your score. Learn more about goals in Get Started With Goals. |
Sometimes Acrolinx finds an issue but can't suggest a replacement or can't replace it from the Sidebar. But don't worry, Acrolinx still guides you through your content. The Sidebar cards offer you a lot of information that helps you solve these kinds of issues.
Here’s what the Sidebar cards tell you in certain situations:
Sidebar card |
Description |
Style and clarity issues |
Acrolinx can't always suggest a replacement for some types of issues, especially style and clarity issues. For example, Acrolinx doesn't suggest anything when the issue covers a whole sentence. In this case, Acrolinx just tells you to improve the sentence. But it's up to you to decide how to improve it. |
Cards with subcards and subissues |
Some cards show you more than one issue. Acrolinx sometimes combines issues that occur in one area of your content and belong to the same guideline. That way, you see fewer cards per guideline and can easily keep an overview. When you click on one of these cards, Acrolinx highlights the whole issue area. You can also click on the gray boxes in the issues list to navigate directly to the specific issue. We call these boxes subcards. The subcards might also have clickable suggestions that appear in green. To insert one of the suggestions, click it. If there are more than three replacements, click TipThese cards often show up with the goals Tone and Findability. |
Inactive card |
Sometimes Acrolinx checks part of your content but can't highlight the issue or automatically insert suggestions. This happens when your content is protected in some way. For example, when your content is read-only, has restricted access, or is digitally signed. It can also happen when there’s a limitation with the Integration, for example because of an editor's API limitations. When this happens, the Sidebar shows a padlock icon Often, you can still edit each issue directly in the text. |
Grayed-out card |
The Sidebar cards can appear grayed out. This happens when you've edited your content and the card isn’t up-to-date anymore. You might want to run another check to refresh your Sidebar. You might also see a grayed-out card if you've clicked on a card with a padlock icon. This means that Acrolinx can't highlight or replace the issue. In this case, you can still read all the information you need to edit your content directly in the text. |
You'll see a section called Analysis at the bottom of your Sidebar. Analysis cards refer to the document as a whole and provide commentary rather than specific, actionable guidance.
To see the Analysis cards, click the arrow right next to the section name.