This requires the privileges Discover Terms and Contribute Terms.
If you have the privilege to Discover Terms, you'll see the Terminology tab in your Sidebar. This tab lets writers discover terms, review them, and potentially add them to your company's terminology.
When you check a piece of content, Acrolinx will automatically discover terms that aren't yet in your terminology. Any discovered terms then show up as Sidebar cards in your Terminology tab. If you click on a Sidebar card in the Terminology tab, the card expands to show you where Acrolinx found a term. To highlight that occurrence in your content, click on any of the sentences in the card.
To contribute a term from the Sidebar, click the arrow on a Sidebar card in the Terminology tab.
If you use an Acrolinx terminology database, you can click this arrow to contribute terms directly from the Sidebar. If you use a third-party terminology database, clicking this arrow will open a separate window where you can contribute the term.
If you don't see any discovered terms in the Terminology tab, make sure that:
The following property is set in
<config directory>/data/<LANG_ID>/
:<WRITING GUIDE>.termharvesting.onlyServerSide=false