Acrolinx can check your content and tell you what keywords a search engine would probably register when indexing your content — these show up as discovered keywords. With a simple check, you'll get a list of potential keywords and how frequently you use them. Acrolinx identifies the following patterns as potential discovered keywords:
Noun clusters
Noun phrases with adjectives
Noun phrases with a possessive modifier (for example, Acrolinx’s Customer Service)
Words with mixed case (for example, eXTENDED KeY)
Unknown capitalized words used in the middle of a sentence
You'll also see findability metrics below each of the keywords discovered in your content. You can use this information to review and analyze how you currently use keywords. That way, you have a better idea of how you can optimize your content. Here's a short explanation of those metrics:
Frequency |
The frequency metric is a measurement of the keyword count in relation to the size of the document. It's expressed as a score out of 100. |
Count |
The number of times the keyword appeared in your content. |
Prominence |
This metric measures the prominent placement of keywords in your content. Prominent placement can be in the document title, headings, or opening paragraph. Acrolinx uses a special formula to give each keyword a prominence score out of 10. |
Once you assess your discovered keywords, you can narrow down which keywords might be useful in your target keywords list.
To add a discovered keyword to your target keywords list, do the following:
Open the
Discovered Keywords section of the
Findability tab.
Find a keyword and click Add to target keywords next to the keyword.