"Targets" now called "style guides"
To make the language in Acrolinx a little more intuitive, we've renamed Targets to style guides. The feature itself will still work as expected.
Batch checking is an easy way to handle a lot of documents at the same time. But sometimes, the collections or groups of content that you want to batch check need different style guides. You can set multiple style guides when you run a single batch check via one of our integrations.
Batch mapping lets you link a style guide to a location and document custom fields. You can also decide if you want Acrolinx to assign style guides based on a detected language. That way, Acrolinx checks the content with the mapped style guide automatically.
Batch mapping style guides is available for the following:
Acrolinx for AEM
Acrolinx for Wordpress
Acrolinx for GitHub
Acrolinx Command Line Interface (CLI) integrations
Content Cube
Acrolinx for Salesforce Knowledge
You can also use it via the Acrolinx API.
You can only use batch mapping with style guides assigned to one or more users. That's why we recommend that you assign the user criteria first.
To assign a style guide to your writers, follow these steps:
Navigate to Style > Style guides and click MANAGE ASSIGNMENTS to open the slide-out menu.
You’ll find unassigned style guides at the bottom of the list. Click on the arrow to expand the list.
You can either assign the style guide to all writers, or select which content contributors should check with the style guide.
To assign the style guide to all users, click the plus group icon Assign to all. Or click the pen icon Edit. and toggle the switch button
Click the pen icon Edit. Use the dropdown section User to search writers.
You can select users based on the following criteria:
Acrolinx role. To select roles, click the check boxes in the list view.
Custom user information that is set to mandatory. To select custom user information, click the check boxes in the list view.
Usernames. You can search for usernames in the search field or click the check boxes in the list view.
Select one or more criteria.
If you select more than one criteria, these have an "OR" relationship.
Suppose that you select the department "Electronics" and the Acrolinx role "Term contributor". The assignment applies to users who are in the "Electronics" division or who have the Acrolinx role "Term contributor."
Click SAVE
To link your style guide to a content reference, language, or custom field, follow these steps:
In MANAGE ASSIGNMENTS, hover over the style guide that you want to map, and click the pen icon Edit.
Use the Batch mapping section in the dropdown to select Content reference, Language detection, or from your document custom fields.
You can match content based on the following criteria:
Content reference. This could be a URL, a regular expression, a file name, or a location for the content piece.
Language detection. Decide if Acrolinx should assign style guides based on a detected language. "No" is selected by default.
Document custom field. You can define these in the Analytics section of the Dashboard. Read how in Create, Edit, and Delete Analytics Custom Fields There are two types of document custom fields:
List field - you can select the values defined in the Document Information section.
Text field - add a regular expression to determine your identifier.
Select one or more subcriteria.
If you select more than one criteria, these have an "AND" relationship.
Click SAVE.
The criteria you select under Batch mapping is additional to user criteria you've set before. So, user and batch mapping criteria have an "AND" relationship.
Batch mapping criteria don't have a simple "OR" relationship across all subcriteria. Instead, there’s an "OR" relationship within a criteria type, and an "AND" relationship between different criteria types. You'll see "AND" relationships marked with an AND icon in the assignment card. All other relationships are "OR."
The example above shows the configurations needed to get the style guide "Lovely Web Content."
The user who runs the check needs to have the role "Author" or belong to the department "Example Department," which you specified in Analytics > Administration > Custom Fields.
The document needs to have the criterion "Document Custom Field 1" and needs to match 1 of 2 possible criteria from the Content reference field.