To sign in to the Dashboard, follow these steps:
Access the dashboard by using a web browser and the following URL:
is the IP address or host name of your Acrolinx Platform.If you’re logged on to the computer that is running Acrolinx, use
as the Acrolinx URL.If the dashboard doesn’t appear, start the services manually.
On the sign-in page, type your Username and Password.
Click SIGN IN.
You'll see your username in the header bar of the Dashboard.
After you've signed in for the first time, do the following:
Change your password by clicking the Settings button in the upper-right corner and edit the Sign-In Details.
If you have configured external authentication, you can’t change your password in the Dashboard. You need to change the password in your directory service.
Check that the servers are running properly by clicking the Servers link in the navigation menu.
The Servers page contains information on the core server, Analytics server, and individual language servers.
Click the individual language servers to view the server version and status, available resources, and checking statistics. You can use this information to monitor the server performance. When you open a server information page for a language server, you'll see information that you can use to measure the current server performance and to identify any connectivity problems. The page also contains additional sections for writing guides, term sets, and server settings. You can review the information in these sections to quickly check that all the components of your guidance package have loaded.
If you upgrade Acrolinx to a higher version, the Dashboard may request that you refresh your web browser. This is because web browsers cache the Dashboard code. The Dashboard can behave unpredictably when the code is updated but the Dashboard is still using code from an older version.
To refresh your web browser and Dashboard code:
Clear all temporary files from your web browser cache and reload the Dashboard page.
Acrolinx comes with a default admin user that you can use for standard server administration tasks. The admin user has the role Super Administrator with all available privileges.
Your installation might include additional built-in users that are necessary for specific features. The number of extra built-in users can depend on the features that come with your license.
We recommend that you change the default passwords of your built-in users as soon as possible.
The following licensed features come with built-in users:
The Term Browser module:
If your license includes the Acrolinx Term Browser module, the users
are also included by default.-
user has the roles Term Browser User and Term Browser Administrator. It can sign in and view terms. You can use thetermbrowser
user to configure the Term Browser search settings. -
user has the role Term Contributor and can contribute terms and add comments to existing terms. You can use thetermcontribution
user to record changes that anonymous users submit from the term contribution and "Add comment" forms.
If you're using Targets, the user
is included by default.-
user has the roles T erm Browser User and Term Browser Administrator and can sign in and view terms. You can use thetermtargetsaccess
user to share term filters with Targets.
The following built-in user isn't associated with a licensed feature:
If API Token or Enterprise Federated Authentication isn't applicable:
You can use the
user with automatic terminology integrations that use the terminology API. Thetermapiaccess
user has the role Terminology API Access and can access API-based terminology applications, sign in to the Dashboard, and view and edit terms. It can also change the status of a term, import and export terms, and restore and create database backups.Note
You'll need to change the password for
before you can use it.
The following restrictions and exceptions apply to built-in users:
You can’t delete a built-in user.
You can’t assign other roles than the preconfigured roles to the built-in users.
If your license has a named user limit, the built-in users don’t count toward this limit.