When talking about the file formats that we support, we distinguish between "file types" and "input types":
The input type is the file format, independent from the different extensions this file format might have.
For example, there are many different types of XML files, such as DITA or DocBook that have different file extensions. However, the format of an XML file is always the same: it’s written in extensible markup language.
You can create documents in many different editors which each support different file types. The file type is the file extension. Some file types, like XML, can have different file extensions but all share the same input format. Other file types, such as Microsoft Word or Adobe FrameMaker, usually have a fixed set of file extensions and come in proprietary input formats.
Acrolinx comes with predefined file type definitions to cover the most common file extensions. If you want to check more files types, there’s a way to add more. But they need to be based on one of the input types that we support.
If you're on an Acrolinx Private Cloud instance and are interested in these configurations, contact us and we'll set them for you!
If you're a Standard Stack user, you can edit the format.properties yourself.
Go to your format properties. Depending on your installation, your path might look like this:
<config directory>/server/bin/format.properties
The file will look something like this:
200.XML = \.(xml|xhtm|xhtml)$ 210.XML = \.(svg|resx)$ 220.XML = \.(xlf|xliff)$ 230.XML = \.(dita|ditamap|ditaval)$ 300.HTML = \.(htm|html)$ 400.MARKDOWN = \.(md|markdown|mdown|mkdn|mkd)$ 600.TEXT = \.txt$ 1000.PDF = .*\.pdf$ 10000.HTML = https?://.*
Use the input format:
For example:
200.XML = \.(xml|xhtm|xhtml)$
The priority number defines the order in which the Acrolinx Platform maps the format to the file type. The Acrolinx Platform starts with the lowest number. We left some gaps in our predefined file type definitions to give you the chance to create a logical order.
The input format is the pure file format.
Use regular expressions to add the file extensions that you want to map. The regular expressions have to be compatible with both ECMAScript 2018 and Java RegEx dialects.
= \.(xlf|xliff)$
Two formats shouldn't have the same priority. If this occurs, the alphabetical first will be given preference but both will be used. If you create your own properties, we recommend that you use priority numbers that can't be divided by ten. This way, they won't conflict with future changes Acrolinx makes.