The Acrolinx Platform stores all information about licensed users in the Acrolinx license database. After you connect to the server for the first time, the server creates the license database.
Depending on your installation, the license database is created and stored at the following location:
<config directory>/server/bin/acrolinx.aldb.h2.db
The Acrolinx Platform regularly creates backups of the database in the following directory:
<config directory>/server/bin/license-backups
Add these database backups to your daily backup. Don’t add the active database (the acrolinx.aldb.h2.db
file) to the backup. Accessing an active database might cause errors.
The Acrolinx Platform creates backups of the license database in the following directory:
<config directory>/server/bin/license-backups
The backups are created on an hourly basis. The file names contain a one-letter identifier, followed by an epoch timestamp. The identifier helps you to distinguish between hourly (H), daily (D), weekly (W) and monthly (M) backups. If you encounter an issue with the license database, you can use the backups to restore the database to a working state.
To restore a database backup, follow these steps:
Stop the Acrolinx Platform.
Unpack the relevant backup archive into the following directory:
<config directory>/server/bin/
Restart the Acrolinx Platform.
Use the Dashboard to verify that the backup was correctly restored.
For example, check that all users are present and that the role assignments are correct.