Acrolinx for Oxygen Eclipse works in the Oxygen XML Editor.
When you edit a document in Acrolinx for Oxygen, you can use the Sidebar to check:
Your Acrolinx administrator can also extend the file types that Acrolinx checks. See Configure Acrolinx to Recognize Your File Type to learn more.
Eclipse might not associate some file types with the Oxygen XML Editor by default. If you want to check Markdown or text, for example, you need to configure Eclipse to open those with the Oxygen XML Editor.
You can use the Sidebar with the Author and Text views, but the Sidebar works best with the Author view. The Sidebar won't work with the Grid and Table views. We recommend that you switch off track changes before you run a check. Otherwise, you might see some unexpected behavior.
Sometimes, Acrolinx highlights an issue with multiple tag types. Acrolinx doesn't support mixed-tag text like this. If highlighted text contains multiple tag types, the related Sidebar cards will gray out when you click on them.
You can check DITA referenced content in the Author view. This isn't possible in the Text view, since Oxygen itself doesn’t resolve these references there.
Make sure you can see your referenced content when you open your DITA map. If you can't see it, go to DITA Maps > Open Map in Editor with resolved topics.
For referenced content, you'll get inactive Sidebar cards that influence the Acrolinx Score. This means you might get a different score when you check your content in the Text view compared to the Author view.
Starting with Acrolinx Platform version 2021.05, guidance packages include a default DITA Content Profile that Acrolinx uses to check the name of the topic location.
If you use a custom DITA Content Profile with an Acrolinx Platform version released before 2021.05, do the following to see the DITA topic file name in your Sidebar cards:
Open the Acrolinx Dashboard.
Navigate to Guidance Settings > Content Profiles.
Find the DITA Content Profile and click on it.
Navigate to Issue Location >
. -
In the Variable box, replace
ancestor-or-self::topicrefcontent/parent::topicref/@href with ancestor-or-self::ACROLINX_EXTERNAL_CONTENT/@id