Before you start, make sure that your Acrolinx Sidebar version and Acrolinx Integration support batch checking. You can start batch checking with Acrolinx Platform version 2021.12 and Acrolinx for Oxygen XML Editor and Oxygen Eclipse Plugin versions 2.0.
When you have a lot of content, it can help to get an overall sense of its quality. Since checking each file isn't always an option, Acrolinx offers other solutions. For example, you can check a complete DITA map in one go.
Let's learn how to start a check before we go into more detail about how to review your results.
Open a document or file that has more content components, such as a DITA map.
To start a batch check, follow these steps:
Navigate to the drop-down menu next to the CHECK button.
The BATCH CHECK button only appears when you open a document that has references to other documents.
Click BATCH CHECK. Acrolinx then lists all document components.
Wait for Acrolinx to check the components. You can see the status of each check in an associated Sidebar card.
Waiting for a check
The down arrow icon means that this component is in the check queue.
Check in progress
The Acrolinx check mark will appear when the check is running.
After a check, the score will appear on the right side of the component card in the typical color coding.
Acrolinx couldn’t check this content
Hover over the warning icon to get more information.
You might want to take a closer look at components that don't match your score expectations. If you checked a DITA map, you can open a component to see the detailed results. You can do this as soon as Acrolinx finishes checking the first component, even if the batch check is still running.
To improve your content, follow these steps:
Click on a component card to open a topic in a new tab.
Run an Acrolinx check on the content. You'll see the results as Sidebar cards. That means you can improve the content directly from the Sidebar as usual.
Optional: After you update the content, you can run a check again to see your updated score.
Go back to the main check tab. The component card of the content you've changed will appear in gray.
Optional: Improve more content components.
Run another batch check to include your new scores in the overall results.
It might be useful to keep the Sidebar card guide on hand.