In Acrolinx Platform version 5.3, the Checking Status was removed from the Scorecard.
The checking status is the old way Acrolinx scored content before the Acrolinx Score. The status was a combination of a number and a color that appeared in the Checking Information section of the Scorecard and the Results Dialog of Classic Integrations.
The number could be 1 or higher. The lower the number the better. A legend of the category score and colors appeared beneath the Acrolinx Score on the Scorecard.
- < 100 for green
- 100-199 for yellow
- 200 ≥ red
The colors reflected how well the content aligned with the guidelines:
- Green - excellent
- Yellow - acceptable
- Red - unacceptable
We've removed that from the product.
The "checking status" is still used in the Acrolinx Platform API for outputting the Acrolinx Score that results from a check.
Classic Integrations also included an option to embed the checking status in documents. This feature is now called Embed Check Data.