Learn how to find terms in the Acrolinx Terminology Manager.
To find terms without a custom Filter, use one of the following Quick Search Tools:
The Search or Create field (1) appears on every page in the Terminology Manager. It lets you do a basic search for a term, term entry, or domain name.
The Terminology Summary (2) shows running totals of your terms grouped by status, language, domain, and one custom list field.
You can use the custom field dropdown (3) to change the list field displayed on the Terminology Summary.
The Search or Create field always appears on the top left of the screen in the Terminology Manager. You can use it to find and create terms, term entries, and domains. The Search or Create field includes autocomplete behavior to help prevent duplicates.
To find terms with the Search or Create field, follow these steps:
Select the search type from the dropdown to the right of the search field. The default search type is Term.
When the search type is set to Term or Term entry, the Terminology Manager suggests terms that match your search text.
When the search type is set to Domain, the Terminology Manager suggests domain names that match your search text.
Enter your search text in the search field.
All characters are treated as wildcard searches by default. For example, if you enter the character "a," words that contain "a" are listed in the autocomplete dropdown. Want to learn more about how the term search works? Get more details.
You can also enter an identifier for a term or term entry.
The Dropdown suggests matching Terms, Term entries, or Domains.
One or more actions will also be listed in italics. The actions are as follows:
Create new term "<SEARCH_TEXT>" lets you create a new term entry.
Jump to the category Manager to create domain "<SEARCH_TEXT>" is useful if you select the search type "Domain." This takes you to the Category Manager, where you can create a new domain.
To clear the search box, press the ESC key. To display the autocomplete dropdown, press the down arrow on your keyboard.
Click on a suggestion or action in the autocomplete dropdown. The Terminology Manager creates a new search filter for your search query.
When you click on a term entry name, a filter is created that shows all terms that belong to the term entry ID.
When you click on a domain name, a filter is created that shows all terms that belong to the domain.
A list of matching terms, term entries, or domains is displayed in the search results.
To find terms from the Terminology Summary, follow these steps:
Click the menu item Terminology in the navigation menu.
The Terminology Manager displays a count of all terms in the database, summarized according to the system categories language, status, domain, and one custom list field of your choice.
Each category is displayed in a Category Section.
(Optional) Use the Custom Field dropdown to change the contents of the Custom Category section.
If you select a custom field that contains a ;arge number of items, the page might take awhile to reload. For example, your administrator might configure a custom field for domains. If the terminology database contains more than one thousand domains and several thousand terms, it might take several minutes to display the custom field.
Click a list item within one of the Category sections to filter for terms:
in a particular language or domain.
that have a particular status.
that have a particular list field value.
For example, to find all terms where users have added comments and requested a review of the term details, select the custom field Process Status in the Custom Category section, and click the status Review Requested.
You can group terms by term entry to see all terms that belong together. A term group displays all synonyms and translations. Each term group is displayed in a separate section of the search results table. This feature is especially useful if your terms usually have many synonyms and translations. If you group the terms by the term entry, you get a better overview of the terms that describe the same concept.
When you save a filter, Acrolinx stores your selection of the Group by term entry option as well as other changes that you have made to the search results table.
To group terms by term entry in the search results table, follow these steps:
Apply a filter or directly search for a term to view a list of terms.
In the navigation bar, click Group by term entry.
The search results table now displays the terms as term groups. Each group displays the terms that belong to the same term entry.