To create a custom category, follow these steps:
Click Add New Category.
In the dialog, type the name of the category.
(Optional) Select the Display Name option and enter a display name for the category.
Click OK.
All items within the category tree view have two types of name:
Standard Name - The name of the category or list item as it appears in the API or in an export file.
Display Name - The name of the category or list item as it appears in dropdowns within the interface.
You may want to use the different naming types if you have codes or abbreviations in your data model which are not easy for human users to identify. The following illustration shows different naming types within a category:
If you regularly import and export terms, you should not rename the standard names of system categories. Style sheets for import and export use the standard names to map terminology information. If you change the standard names, it is possible that imports and exports do not work correctly.
To rename a category, follow these steps:
In the tree view, click the name of the category that you want to rename.
In the shortcut menu, click Rename category
In the dialog, enter a new standard name for the category.
(Optional) Select the Display Name option and enter a display name for the category.
Click OK.
To delete a category, follow these steps:
Click the name of the categories that you want to delete.
In the shortcut menu that appears, click Delete Category.
Restriction: This menu item is not available for system categories.
The category manager searches for any list fields that depend on the category to display list items.
If the category manager finds a dependency on the category, the category manager cancels the delete action and an error message provides you with a list of the dependencies.
If there are no dependencies, the category name is removed from the category manager tree view.
To create a list item, follow these steps:
Click the name of the category where you want to add a list item.
In the shortcut menu that appears, click Add List Item.
In the dialog, enter the list item name.
(Optional) Select the Display Name option and enter a display name for the list item.
Click OK.
To create a sublist item, follow these steps:
Expand a category and click the name of the list item where you want to add a sublist item.
In the shortcut menu that appears, click Add sublist Item.
In the dialog, enter the name of the sublist item.
(Optional) Select the Display Name option and enter a display name for the sublist item.
Click OK.
To rename a list item, follow these steps:
In the tree view, click the name of the list item that you want to rename.
In the shortcut menu, click Rename list item
In the dialog, enter a new standard name for the list item.
(Optional) Select the Display Name option and enter a display name for the list item.
To delete a list item follow these steps:
Click the name of the list item that you want to delete.
In the shortcut menu that appears, click Delete List Item
Restriction: This menu item is not available for list items in the system categories lexical analysis mode, status, Boolean, and morphosyntactic restriction.
The menu item is also not available if the list item is the default list item for the category. When you create a custom category, the default list item "undefined" is also created inside the category. Default list items are created because all categories must contain at least one list item.
The category manager searches for any terms that have fields where the list item has been selected.
If the category manager finds a dependency on the list item, the category manager cancels the delete action and an error message provides you with a list of the dependencies.
If there are no dependencies, the category name is removed from the category manager tree view.
To delete a sublist item, follow the same procedure as to delete a list item but instead select the option Delete Sublist Item. This menu item is always available for sublist items.
To sort list items, follow these steps:
Click the name of the category or list item which contains the list items or sublist items to sort.
In the shortcut menu, click Sort List Items.
The list items are sorted in ascending alphabetical order based on their display names. This action also changes the order list items when they appear in dropdown fields.
To reload the Dashboard, follow these steps:
In the Navigation Menu, click Terminology > Customization > Category Manager.
Click the Reload Dashboard button at the bottom of the page.
Each component of the Dashboard is refreshed including the Terminology Manager. Any new categories, list items, and fields are loaded into the Terminology Manager interface.