This goal is where you set your terminology for a style guide. To pick the terminology that you want to use, you can select one or more domains or a term filter. You determine how Acrolinx should handle admitted terms if you have any.
Want to link specific terminology to a style guide? Acrolinx checks for your organization's terminology and other specific terms. Your preferred terminology might depend on your content type or audience. For example, technical documentation (like the article you’re reading this very moment) needs more specific terms that aren’t useful in a marketing context. That’s why you can create domains and term filters in the Terminology section.
With Terminology, you can add these domains or a term filter that you've shared with style guides. SeeCreate and Edit Term Filters to learn how you share a term filter with style guides.
To add domains or a term filter to your style guide, follow these steps:
Navigate to Style > Style guides and click the name of the style guide you'd like to edit.
Click on Terminology to expand it.
Choose whether you want to use terminology from domains or a term filter.
Domains - select one or more domains from the dropdown.
Term filter - select one term filter from the dropdown.
Click SAVE.
These changes require you to reload the corresponding language configuration. After you save, a dialog box will open that asks if you want to RELOAD NOW or RELOAD LATER. To reload the language configuration immediately, simply click RELOAD NOW.
If you plan to work on more style guides, it might make sense to reload the language configuration after you've made all the changes you need. In this case, click RELOAD LATER. Keep in mind that the changes will only apply after a reload. You can reload the language configuration under Reload language servers.
You can also configure the way terms with the status "admitted" get scored. There are four options available.
To configure the scoring of admitted terms, follow these steps:
Click the arrow icon next to Advanced settings.
Select the radio button next to:
Score - Acrolinx will highlight terms with the status “admitted” as issues in the Sidebar, and they’ll count toward the score.
Highlight - Acrolinx will highlight terms with the status “admitted” as issues in the Sidebar, but they won't count toward the score.
Suggest - Acrolinx will suggest terms with the status “admitted” in related Sidebar cards.
Ignore - Acrolinx won’t highlight or suggest terms with the status “admitted” in the Sidebar.
Don't forget to click SAVE.
You can find more information about the "admitted" status in Add Term Statuses, Head Terms, or Domains