Linked terms are terms that are grouped into the same term entry and are thus linked to one another.
This linked relationship plays an important role when you check with Acrolinx. When Acrolinx highlights a deprecated term, we check to see if the deprecated term is linked to any preferred or admitted terms. If the deprecated term is linked to preferred or admitted terms, Acrolinx suggests those terms as possible replacements.
To link a term to an existing term, follow these steps:
Open the Term Edit page for the first term.
Click the top row of the linked terms table in the Linked Terms tab.
Type the name of the new term in the prompt that appears.
Select the name of the term from the dropdown that appears.
Your changes are saved immediately. The term is created and a link is added to the Linked Terms section.
If you click Continue in the prompt, the second term entry is discarded. This includes any information defined in the term entry level fields such as the definition.
If the term that you’ve selected is already linked to other terms, the Terminology Manager assumes that you want to merge the second term entry with the current term entry. A confirmation prompt appears that lists all terms that will move from the second term entry to the current term entry.
If you decide that some linked terms don’t belong together, you can easily unlink the terms again. When you unlink a term, that term still retains all the conceptual information from the previous term entry such as the definition or reference image. However, once the term is unlinked, you can change the conceptual information so that is more specific to the term. You might update the information to clarify that the term actually describes a concept that is independent from the terms that it was previously linked to.
To unlink a term from a term entry, follow these steps:
Open the Term Edit page for the first term.
On the Linked Terms tab, click the delete button next to the term that you want to unlink.
Your changes are saved immediately.