You might want Acrolinx to find expressions similar to your preferred wording and related unsuitable wording.
Let's say you've changed a slogan or commonly used expression. For this, you could add the outdated wording to a replacement. Keep in mind that you don't need this step if your new expression is similar to the outdated one.
When you check with Reuse, Acrolinx looks for expressions that are similar to your preferred wording. If it finds text with more similar words than not, the expression counts as similar. Acrolinx also counts synonyms as similar words.
For example:
New (preferred wording): “Better. Content. Faster.”
Outdated (unsuitable wording): “Speak with one voice.”
If you add preferred and unsuitable wording to a replacement, Acrolinx will find text that’s similar to both your preferred and unsuitable wording. Acrolinx will then suggest your entry from the Preferred wording field.
To add unsuitable wording, do the following:
Open the Edit slide-out dialog for an existing replacement or add a new one.
Expand the Advanced section, and click the plus icon.
Enter your wording in the Unsuitable wording field. This can be a phrase, a sentence, or multiple sentences.
(Optional) Click the plus icon to Add more unsuitable wording.
Click SAVE.
Acrolinx will now find text that’s similar to both your preferred wording and unsuitable wording.